1 of 2, 2 of 4, 4 of 8… -                                                        bipartient

abandon (in time of danger) -                                                 jetsam

abating at intervals -                                                               remittent

abdication -                                                                           demission

abdominal -                                                                           ventral (opp. dorsal)

ability to please (the opposite sex, in general)-                        ophelimity

ability to store a charge of electricity -                                     capacitance

able to live in different conditions -                                          facultative

abnormal excitement -                                                            erethism

aborigine -                                                                             autochthon

abound, overflow -                                                                exuberate

about to bring forth young -                                                    parturient

abrasive -                                                                              abradant

abscess, ulcer -                                                                      imposthume

absence of purpose in nature-                                                 dysteleology

absolute power -                                                                    autarchy

absolve, vindicate -                                                                exculpate

abstinent -                                                                              abstemious

abundance, rich harvest -                                                       foison

abuse, revile -                                                                        miscall, vituperate

abyss; (pit; insatiable person) -                                               abysm; (barathrum)

academic introduction to a subject -                                       isagoge

accept as one’s own -                                                            nostrificate

accepted ultimately -                                                              antilegomenic

accessory, appertaining -                                                        appurtenant

accident in a nuclear reactor -                                                 blowdown

accost, to -                                                                            abord

accuse, (charge) -                                                                  bewray, (inculpate)

accuse, impeach -                                                                  apel

ache (to) -                                                                             warch, wark

achieved, one who has not -                                                   manqué

acquisition -                                                                           acquest, acquist

acquit -                                                                                  exonerate

acrobat -                                                                               posturist, posture-maker

act according to expediency -                                                 temporise

active -                                                                                  birkie, wacken, on the rouk

active -                                                                                  frim, lish, sprack, upstrigolous,

active, morbidly so -                                                              sthenic

actor, stage-player -                                                               histrion

acuteness, sharpness -                                                            acuity, acumen

add at the end -                                                                     subjoin

addicted to drink -                                                                 bibulous

addition -                                                                               additament

additional, supplementary -                                                     bolt-on

administer (remedies); use/apply -                                          adhibit

admit, permit to enter -                                                           intromit

adolescent girl -                                                                     bobbysoxer

adorn (o.s.), to -                                                                    adonise

adventure -                                                                            aunter

adventurer to Brazil, 17th c. -                                                  bandeirante

æ -                                                                                        aesc (pron. ‘ash’)

affected language -                                                                 marivaudage

affected simplicity -                                                                simplism

affected terms -                                                                      concetti

affected/pompous expression -                                               pseudery

affectedly delicate -                                                                niminy-piminy

afraid -                                                                                  frit, freckened, gallied, gliffed

African hunting dog -                                                              basenji

ageing, growing old -                                                              senescent

agency which impels to effort -                                               conation

agile and wiry; flexible -                                                          withy

agree, ready to -                                                                    assentaneous

agreeableness of sound -                                                        euphony

agreeing in opinion -                                                               consentient

agreeing, consistent -                                                              consentaneous

agreeing, suitable -                                                                 congruent

agreement -                                                                           cording

agreement in function -                                                           analogy

agreement in origin -                                                               homology

aid, help -                                                                              aidance

air, or sky -                                                                            ambient

alarm-bell -                                                                            tocsin

alchemist’s furnace -                                                              athanor

alcoholic -                                                                              dipsomaniac

all-creating -                                                                          omnific

alleviation -                                                                            allayment, lygement

alligator (S. American) -                                                         cayman

all-night vigil (eccles.) -                                                           pernoctation

allot quarters to troops -                                                         canton

all-protecting -                                                                       all-bielding

allurement, coquetry -                                                            agacerie

almshouse -                                                                           beadhouse

alone -                                                                                   solus

aloof -                                                                                   abeigh

altogether; all at a gulp -                                                         holus-bolus

ambiguous, obscure -                                                             oracular

ambiguously constructed -                                                      amphibolous

ambulance -                                                                           blood-wagon

amount a cask lacks of being full -                                          ullage

analyse (sentence) -                                                               parse

anatomy: hard parts of the body -                                           osteology

anatomy: soft parts of the body -                                            sarcology

ancestor (earliest) -                                                                primogenitor

ancestor, forefather -                                                              progenitor

anchor, small -                                                                       killock

angle, making no -                                                                  agonic

angler; angling -                                                                      piscator; the gentle craft

angry -                                                                                   iracundious

animal living in another’s home -                                             inquiline

animal, young fatted -                                                             fatling

animate, encourage -                                                              inspirit

ankle -                                                                                   tarsus

ankle-bone, pert. to -                                                             talar

annex -                                                                                  mediatise

announce -                                                                             annunciate

annoy -                                                                                  fash

annul; annulment -                                                                  abrogate; rescission

anodyne -                                                                              analgesic

anoint; give extreme unction to -                                             anele

anointing -                                                                              inunction

anomalous, irregular -                                                             anomalistic

anonymous works -                                                               adespota

answering alternately -                                                            amoebaean

antelope -                                                                              addax, blesbok, bongo, bubal,

antelope -                                                                              duiker, gemsbok, gnu, gysbok,

antelope -                                                                              inyala, izard, klipspringer

antelope -                                                                              koodoo, reebok

antelope (Indian) -                                                                 blackbuck

antelope, steppe -                                                                  saiga

anthrax -                                                                                malignant pustule

anthrax -                                                                                wool-sorter’s disease

anti-aircraft gun -                                                                   Bofors gun

antidote -                                                                               alexipharmic, alexipharmakon

antidote (supposed) to poisons -                                            bezoar

antiquated -                                                                           crusted

ants, pert. to -                                                                        formic

anxiety, reducing -                                                                  anxiolytic

anxiety; to burden, harass -                                                    cark

apelike -                                                                                pithecoid, simian, simious

ape-man -                                                                              pithecanthrope

apoplectic disease of cattle -                                                  black quarter

appealed against, not to be -                                                  inappellable

appear above ground -                                                           braird

appease hunger temp.-                                                           stay one’s stomach

appetite, sth. to whet the -                                                      antepast

apple-green, pale -                                                                 chartreuse

apples, rel. to -                                                                      pomaceous

apply (seal), to -                                                                    appose

apposite -                                                                              in point

approach -                                                                             appropinquate

approval -                                                                              approbation

apron -                                                                                  barm-cloth

Arab mantle with hood -                                                        burnous

Arabwoman black outer garment-                                          aba(ya)

arch slightly -                                                                         camber

archaic (would-be) language -                                                tushery

arched -                                                                                 fornicate

archer -                                                                                 toxophilite

aristocracy -                                                                          upper ten

armour for forearm -                                                              vambrace

armour, full suit of -                                                                panoply

armpit -                                                                                 oxter

arms, bearing -                                                                       armigerous

arranged on one side only (bot.) -                                           secund

array, in full -                                                                         in full fig

arrow-shaped -                                                                      sagittal

artifice, to use -                                                                      finesse

artificial, melodramatic -                                                         stagy

artistic skill, displaying -                                                          daedal

ascent; military advance -                                                       anabasis

asexual -                                                                                agamic, -ous

ashen-grey -                                                                          cinereous

ashes, pert. to -                                                                      cinerary

ask -                                                                                      spere

assail, oppose -                                                                      oppugn

assay, to -                                                                              cupel

assembly/council, eccl. court -                                                consistory

assent (obsequious) -                                                             assentation

associate together -                                                                consociate

assume as true -                                                                     posit

assume without proof -                                                           postulate

astringent -                                                                             styptic

at first sight; offhand -                                                             at first blush

at once -                                                                                bedene, bainly

atrocious -                                                                             piacular

attached by the whole length to -                                            adnate

attached, annexed, consequent-                                              appendant

attached, esp. to the soil -                                                      adscript

attendant (on magician) -                                                        famulus

attracting, drawing (towards) -                                               attrahent

attractive to opposite sex -                                                     epigamic

attractive, desirable -                                                              appetible

auburn, rich -                                                                         titian

auction (to) -                                                                          roup

augur, to -                                                                              auspicate

auk, the little -                                                                        rotch(e)

aurora borealis -                                                                    merry dancers

autocrat -                                                                               cham

avenge -                                                                                wrake

aversion to food -                                                                  sitophobia

avert, prevent -                                                                      obviate

avert, ward off -                                                                     forfend

avoid -                                                                                   evitate

awake, to; to rouse -                                                              abrade

awl-shaped -                                                                         subulate

axe-shaped -                                                                         securiform

baboon, large, ferocious -                                                      mandrill

baby -                                                                                   lakan

back, pert. to -                                                                      dorsal

back; private -                                                                       postern

back-country -                                                                       back-blocks

backgammon: a piece liable to be taken; a weak point -          blot

backwards -                                                                          heelway, backing arse

balance, be poised -                                                               librate

ballast (pig-iron) -                                                                  kentledge

ballerina’s dancing pump with a stiffened toe-piece -               blocked shoe

ballet-dancer (background) -                                                  figurant(e)

balloon; balloonist -                                                                aerostat

bandage -                                                                              swathe

bank (high, steep) -                                                                bluff, brae

bank, shore -                                                                         rivage

banter; (flippancy)-                                                                badinage; (persiflage)

bar inserted to stop wheel -                                                    sprag

barber, of a (joc.) -                                                                tonsorial

bare-footed/sandalled -                                                          discalce-d, -ate

bargain; cheap/cheaply/cheapness -                                        bon marché

bark -                                                                                    barquentine

bark (on picking up scent) -                                                   give tongue

bark, furnished with -                                                             corticate

barking -                                                                                glasting, glatisant

barrage -                                                                               fusillade

barrel, small -                                                                         kilderkin

barrel-organ to train songbirds -                                             serinette

barrel-organ, gigantic -                                                           apollonicon

barrel-stand -                                                                         gantry

barren, empty, void of interest -                                              jejune

barrier -                                                                                 bayle

barrister’s bag -                                                                     blue bag

barter; haggle; quibble -                                                         dicker

base (adj.) -                                                                           caitiff, coistral, scullion

base of a mountain, at the -                                                    submontane

base of the skull, at the -                                                        basilar

based on the desires/requirements of users -                           bottom-up

baseness, depravity -                                                             turpitude

bashful -                                                                                blate

bashful, timid -                                                                       blate

basic, ordinary -                                                                     bog-standard

basic/underlying element -                                                      substratum

basin for rain-water -                                                             impluvium

bask in the sun, to -                                                                apricate

basket, one of pair, pack-animal -                                          pannier

basket; beehive -                                                                   skep

bastard child -                                                                        by-blow

bastard; calf born prematurely -                                              slink

bat -                                                                                      reremouse

bat, large; (small) -                                                                 serotine; (pipistrelle)

bathe warm water relieve pain -                                              foment

batter with insults -                                                                 to lamm with flouts

battle field -                                                                           stricken field

battle-axe, concave -                                                             bill

bay, creek (Ork. & Shetl.) -                                                   voe

be wedged in tight between two others -                                 sit/ride bodkin

beaches of E.U. standard are awarded a -                              blue flag

beaked -                                                                                rostrate(d)

beam (of wood) -                                                                  trave

beanpole -                                                                             cornstalk

beardless with side-whiskers -                                                dundreary

bearing child for 1st time -                                                       primiparous

bear-like -                                                                             arctoid, ursine

beast-like -                                                                            theroid

beat (to), chastise -                                                                dang, swinge

beat black and blue -                                                             suggilate

beat s.o.; (flog) -                                                                    dust one’s coat; lam

beat with a stick -                                                                  baste, bastinade

beautiful -                                                                              pulchritudinous

beautiful (place) -                                                                   Tempean

become soft or sleepy -                                                          blet

bed, pert. to -                                                                        clinic(al)

bedbound -                                                                            bedfast

bed-lover -                                                                            clinophile

bedraggle -                                                                            drabble

bed-wetting -                                                                         enuresis

beef and vegetable casserole, cooked in red wine -                 boeuf bourgignon

beef, choice cut of -                                                               porterhouse steak

bee-hive -                                                                              bee-skep

bee-keeping -                                                                        apiculture

beer, bad -                                                                            swipes

beer, Russian -                                                                       kyass

bees, wasps, etc. -                                                                 hymenopteral

befall -                                                                                   bechance, chive

beggar -                                                                                 bezonian, besognio

begging-bowl -                                                                      clack-dish

begin, to -                                                                              inchoate

beginning, incipient -                                                               inchoate

behave badly -                                                                       misdemean

behaviour -                                                                            portance

behead -                                                                                obtruncate

being hidden from view -                                                        occultation

bejant -                                                                                  freshman (St. Andrews)

belch out -                                                                             eruct

belch, vomit, emit -                                                                boke, boak

belief one is a god -                                                                theomania

bell, tolled after death -                                                          passing-bell

belladonna lily -                                                                      amaryllis

bell-bird, S. Amer.-                                                               arapunga, campanero

bellow, roar -                                                                         bell

bellow, to (rutting buck) -                                                       troat

bell-ringing -                                                                          campanology

bell-tower -                                                                           campanile

belly, of the -                                                                         alvine

bench, bank, shelf -                                                                bink

bend back -                                                                           recurve

bend, curve -                                                                         inflexure

bend, twist, (& to) -                                                               crankle

Benedictine -                                                                         Black Monk

benefit, to confer on -                                                             benefact

bent like a bow -                                                                    arcuate

bent like a knee -                                                                   geniculate

bent like a sickle -                                                                  falcate(d)

benumb with cold -                                                                shram

berate, revile -                                                                       clapperclaw

berries, living on -                                                                  baccivorous

berry-bearing -                                                                      baccate, bacciferous

berry-eating -                                                                         baccivorous

berry-shaped -                                                                       bacciform

beseech, entreat -                                                                  obsecrate

beside the point -                                                                   from the bias

best -                                                                                     bettermost

betroth; betrothal -                                                                 handfast

bewilder, darken -                                                                 obfuscate

bewitched -                                                                           elfshot, elfstruck

beyond faith -                                                                        ultrafidian

bigoted -                                                                                hidebound

bind together (gen. principle) -                                                colligate

binding, contraction -                                                             astriction

bird, allied to jackdaw -                                                         grackle

bird, fabulous, huge -                                                             simurg(h)

bird, finch, small -                                                                  serin

bird, finch, songbird -                                                             siskin

bird, finch-like, S. Amer -                                                      tanager

bird, jay-like -                                                                        sirgang

bird, mountain-linnet -                                                            twite

bird, wading -                                                                        avocet, avoset

birth, dating from -                                                                 congenital, connate

birth-rate -                                                                             natality

biscuit, brittle -                                                                       cracknel

bison -                                                                                   bonassus

bit, little -                                                                               bittock

bitch hound, dog for the chase -                                             brach

biting -                                                                                   mordacious, mordant

biting, caustic -                                                                       trenchant

bitter & satirical -                                                                   Archilochian

bitter end -                                                                             outrance

bitterness -                                                                             acerbity

bitterness of language, temper -                                              acritude

bitter-sweet -                                                                         aigre-doux

black fluid, any -                                                                    atrament

black, glossy -                                                                       piceous

black; (swarthy) -                                                                  melanic; (melanous)

blackbird -                                                                             merle, ouzel

blacken with soot -                                                                besmut

blackguard -                                                                          skellum

blackish, growing dark -                                                         nigrescent

blackness -                                                                            nigritude

blacksmith -                                                                           knight of the hammer

bladder, of the -                                                                     cystic

blame, to -                                                                             culpate

blameless -                                                                            inculpable

blanch, make pale -                                                                etiolate

blessed -                                                                                benedict, benedight

blessed are th. peacemakers-                                                 beati pacifici

blessed memory, of -                                                             beatae memoriae

blessing -                                                                               benison, op. malison

blind -                                                                                    amaurotic, bisson

blindness -                                                                             ablepsy; cecity

blister; (to) -                                                                          bleb, blish; (vesicate)

blistered, puckered, bubble-like -                                           bullate

block up, obstruct -                                                               oppilate

blockhead -                                                                           mome

blood, feeding on -                                                                 sanguivorous

blood, of the -                                                                        haemal, haematic

blood-letting -                                                                        phlebotomy, venesection

blood-like -                                                                           haematoid

blood-red -                                                                            sanguineous

bloodstained:                                                                         blood-baltered, ensanguined

bloodthirsty -                                                                         sanguinary

bloody -                                                                                sanguinolent

blooming early -                                                                     rathe (-ripe)

blooming more once in year -                                                 remontant

blossom forth -                                                                      effloresce

blossoming -                                                                          in blow

blow -                                                                                   glase

blow in gusts, prevaricate -                                                     whiffle

blue (light, deep shade) -                                                        saxe

blue, deep -                                                                           smalt

blue, deep rich -                                                                     mazarine

blue-green, pale -                                                                   bice

blue-grey, pearl-grey -                                                           griseous

bluish grey, dark blue -                                                           perse

bluish- or greyish-green -                                                       caesious

bluish-green -                                                                         viridian

blunder -                                                                                bevue

blunder, mistake -                                                                  bish

blunt (to) -                                                                             turn the edge of

blunt, dull, deaden, to -                                                          obtune

bluntly, flatly -                                                                        plump

blushing -                                                                               erubescent

blush-red -                                                                             damask

bluster, vain boasting -                                                           fanfaronade

boar/elephant etc. with tusks -                                                tusker

board along edge of a gable -                                                 barge-board

boast -                                                                                   crake

boast extravagantly -                                                              gasconade

boastful person -                                                                    blowhard

boastful, bragging -                                                                thrasonical

boastful, noisily patriotic -                                                       spread-eagle

boasting -                                                                              bobaunce, bragance

boat (8 oars) -                                                                       pinnace

boat (Eskimo, large, skin) -                                                    umiak

boat (fishing, one-mast) -                                                       smack

boat (flat-bottomed) -                                                            scow

boat (small) -                                                                         coggle; nacelle

boat (small, light) -                                                                 shallop

boat (small, Mediter, merchant) -                                           felucca

boat, cargo, large (Nile) -                                                       nuggar

boat, flat-bottomed; bridge of b. -                                          pontoon

boat, merchant, Medit, 3-mast -                                             polacca

boat, rowing-, for passengers -                                               wherry

boat-shaped -                                                                        scaphoid

body, human, pert. to -                                                          somatic

body-louse -                                                                          cootie

bog -                                                                                     quag

boil thoroughly -                                                                     parboil

boil, (blister) -                                                                        furuncle, (blain)

bold exploit -                                                                         hardiment

bolt, small; to bolt -                                                                snib

bombast -                                                                              fustian

bombastic, pompous -                                                           high-faluting

bone partit. nostrils (ploughshare)-                                          vomer

bone, dead/detached, piece of-                                              sequestrum

bonfire -                                                                                balefire

bony -                                                                                   osseous, osteal, osteoid

bony, hard -                                                                           scleral, sclerous

book of set forms, precedents -                                              formulary

book, left-hand page -                                                           verso

book, right-hand page-                                                          recto

book-binding -                                                                       bibliopegy

books, fond of -                                                                     philobiblic

bookseller -                                                                           bibliopole

bookseller (rare books) -                                                       bibliopole

border surrounding a shield (Heraldry) -                                 bordure

bordering on every side -                                                       circumjacent

bore -                                                                                    macrologist

born again -                                                                           renascent

born blind & helpless (chick) -                                               nidicolous

born well-developed -                                                            nidifugous

botanise -                                                                              herborise

both kinds, of; b.ways, acting-                                                amphoteric

bovine -                                                                                 taurine

bow down, reverence -                                                          lowt

bow, reverence -                                                                   obeisance

bow-legged -                                                                         valgus, scrod-legged, straddly-bandy

oxer’s attendant; backer -                                                      bottle-holder

boxing, French (fists, feet, head) -                                          savate

bracelets, pert. to -                                                                armillary

brag, bluster -                                                                        rodomontade

bragging, blustering -                                                              vapours

Brahma-day, 4,320 million years -                                          kalpa

brain, action of, esp. uncons -                                                 cerebration

brain’s seat of sensation -                                                       sensorium

brambles, the study of -                                                          batology

branched -                                                                             ramose

brand new -                                                                           fire-new

brat -                                                                                     bantling

brawl, maltreat -                                                                    rough-house

bread -                                                                                  rooty (Mil.)

bread, embodied in -                                                              impanate

bread, unleavened -                                                               azym(e)

break (to) -                                                                            rive

break an entry -                                                                     crack a crib

break to smaller pieces -                                                        fractionate

break, pound, grind small -                                                     bray

breakable, fragile -                                                                 frangible

breaking-off -                                                                        abruption

breast (next to ribs) -                                                             brisket

breath -                                                                                 halitus

breath, shortness of -                                                             anhelation

breathe long & deep -                                                            suspire

breathing diffic. lying down -                                                   orthopnoea

breathing, difficulty in -                                                           dyspnoea

breathing, temp. cessation of -                                                apnoea

breeze, light; dupe/tool -                                                         cat’s paw

bribe -                                                                                   vails

brick-red -                                                                             testaceous

bridle, restrain; toss the head -                                                brank

bridle/bit/stirrup-maker -                                                        lorimer

brief, but comprehensive -                                                      compendious

brindled -                                                                               tabby

bring forth young (sheep, goat) -                                             yean

bringing inwards -                                                                  afferent

brisk; (well) -                                                                         perk; bobbish

bristle -                                                                                  birse

bristly -                                                                                  awny, hispid, horrent, strigous, -gose

bristly -                                                                                  setose, setous, setaceous

bristly; indecent -                                                                   scabrous

brittle -                                                                                  brickle, spalt

broad-bladed Philippine knife -                                              barong

broadest part of ship’s bottom -                                             bilge

bronze colour, of a shining -                                                   aeneous

brook, little -                                                                          rill; runnel, runlet

brothels, pert. to -                                                                  lupanarian

brotherhood -                                                                        confraternity

brownish with darker spots -                                                  brindle(d)

brownish-purple -                                                                  puce

bruise/beat, to -                                                                     contuse

brutalise -                                                                              imbrute

bucket in well -                                                                      kibble

Buddh. memorial shrine -                                                       stupa, tope

Buddhist priest -                                                                    bonze

buds, to put forth -                                                                 gemmate

buffoon, zany -                                                                       merry-andrew

building, pert. to -                                                                  tectonic

built of beams, not arches/vaults-                                            trabeate

bullfighter’s dart w. streamer -                                                banderilla

bullfighting, of -                                                                      tauromachian

bully (to) -                                                                             ballyrag, hector

bumpkin -                                                                              joskin, rube

bundle of brushwood -                                                           bavin

bungle; tedious fellow -                                                          foozle

burden, pack -                                                                       fardel

burden; tax (cattle pasturing) -                                                agistment

burdensome (used with ‘care’) -                                             carking

buried -                                                                                 graven

burn -                                                                                    fare as fire

burn suddenly -                                                                      deflagrate

burn, set fire to -                                                                    swale, sweal

burning, roasting -                                                                  ustulation

burrowing -                                                                            fossorial

businessman, usual, no art -                                                    Babbitt

buskin -                                                                                 cothurnus

bustling, fussy -                                                                      spoffish

busy -                                                                                    unleisured

butler, steward -                                                                    major-domo

buttermilk and water (Orkney and Shetland) -                        bland

buttery (adj) -                                                                        butyraceous

button accordion -                                                                 bandoneon

buying, act of -                                                                       emption

by-work -                                                                              parergon

cabinet (ornamental) -                                                            chiffonier

cage (for fish/lobsters) -                                                         corf

calf, of the -                                                                           sural

call names, to -                                                                      becall

call to witness -                                                                      obtest

calling loudly/insistently -                                                        clamant

callous, make; sear w. hot iron -                                             cauterise

calumniate, defame -                                                              traduce

can, small -                                                                            cannikin

cancelling; cutting back -                                                        recision

candle-maker -                                                                      chandler

cannibalism -                                                                          anthropophagy

cannon, short -                                                                       carronade

cannonballs linked by chain -                                                  angel shot

cannot be dissolved/melted -                                                  infusible

canvas, coarse -                                                                     burlap

caparisoned -                                                                         barded

cape, headland -                                                                    naze, ness

caper, leap; to caper -                                                            capriole, gambade

carbon dioxide, deficiency of -                                               acapnia

care…, don’t -                                                                      …a stiver

cared -                                                                                  rought

caress, fondle -                                                                      ingle

cargo vessel, Dutch, 2-masted -                                             bilander

cargo, lading -                                                                        lastage

carnivorous -                                                                         zoophagous

carping -                                                                                captious

carping criticism -                                                                   zoilism

carried, easily -                                                                      portative

carry away (wrongfully), to -                                                  asport

carry, bear, transport -                                                           tote

carrying off by force -                                                            abreption

cart, low, for heavy goods -                                                   dray

cart, shaft of -                                                                        thill

cart, victims to guillotine -                                                       tumbrel

Carthage, chief magistrate -                                                    suffete

carved on the surface -                                                           intagliated

caryatid, male equiv. of -                                                        telamon

case for needles, threads &c. -                                               hussif

case shot to damage sails -                                                     langrage, -grel

cask -                                                                                    puncheon, tun

cask, small -                                                                          barrico

casket -                                                                                 pyxis

cast-off skin -                                                                        slough

castrate -                                                                               emasculate, evirate

cat (esp. female, old) -                                                           grimalkin

cat, cry like -                                                                         mewl, miaul, waul

catarrh; head-cold -                                                               coryza

catch fish with the hands -                                                      guddle

cat-lover -                                                                             ailurophile

cattle thief -                                                                            abactor

cattle-enclosure -                                                                   bawn

cause loss/injury to -                                                              damnify

cause to contract -                                                                 constringe

cave -                                                                                    antre

cave, pert. to -                                                                       spelean

cavity -                                                                                  antrum

cease, cause to cease -                                                          surcease

celery, wild -                                                                          smallage

celestial -                                                                               supernal

censure; blame -                                                                    dyslogy

central -                                                                                 omphalic

centre of attention -                                                                cynosure

centre of gravity, pert. to -                                                      barycentric

centre, tending towards -                                                        centripetal

chair (for carrying Pope) -                                                      gestatorial ch.

challenge -                                                                             tasking

champagne & stout -                                                              black velvet

chance, depending on -                                                          aleatory

change shade -                                                                       gradate

change, able to cause -                                                           alterant, alterative

changeable -                                                                          moonish

channel, narrow -                                                                   kyle

chaplet, fillet, wreath -                                                            anadem

charge with a crime -                                                              delate

chariot, two-horse (Roman) -                                                 biga

charity, given in -                                                                    eleemosynary

charm, fetish -                                                                        ju-ju

chase (to); shout; hunt -                                                          chevy

chat, to -                                                                                coze

chattering, prattle -                                                                 bavardage

cheap, open-air seats at sports ground -                                 bleachers

cheat (to) -                                                                            hocus, widgeon

cheat, rogue -                                                                        faitor

cheek, of -                                                                             malar

cheek, pert. to -                                                                     malar

cheekbone, arch of -                                                              zygomatic arch

cheeks -                                                                                lears

cheese, pert. to -                                                                    caseous

chestnut-coloured -                                                                badious

chew (tobacco) -                                                                   chaw

chew, eat -                                                                            manducate

chide -                                                                                   objurgate, threap

chief/leader (of chorus) -                                                        coryphaeus

chief’s barge or galley (Western Isles) -                                  birlinn

chilblain -                                                                               kibe

child -                                                                                    kinchin

child in its 1st month -                                                             chrisom-child

child, N. American Indian -                                                    papoose

child’s white baptism robe -                                                   chrisom

chin, of the -                                                                          genial, mental

Chinese -                                                                               Seric

chiropodist -                                                                          pedicure

chirp, make scraping sound -                                                  stridulate

chirping, scraping (grassh.) -                                                   stridulant

chivalous person; spirited horse -                                            bayard

choice, select, rare -                                                               recherché

Christ -                                                                                  Prince of Peace

Christ’s renunciation div. nature -                                           kenosis

church, for (hat, clothes) -                                                      go-to-meeting

churchyard -                                                                          God’s acre

circle, small select -                                                                coterie

circlet (gold, gems) -                                                              coronal

circumlocution -                                                                     circumbendibus, periphrasis

cite, quote as proof -                                                              adduce

civet cat -                                                                              linsang

civil officials, educated people -                                              effendi

claim, make formal to -                                                          revendicate

clattering, rainy blast -                                                            blatter

claw/pincer (crab, lobster) -                                                   chela

clay -                                                                                     argil

cleanliness, one obsessed w.-                                                 ablutomane

cleansing -                                                                             abluent; detersion

clear -                                                                                    limpid

clear, bright, evident -                                                            luculent

climber (outs. tall buildings)-                                                   stegophilist

climbing (plants) -                                                                  scandent

climbing, adapted for -                                                           scansorial

cloak, long with hood (sold, trav) -                                         capote

clonus -                                                                                 spasm

close examiner -                                                                     scrutator

close-pressed tgthr, not united-                                              adpressed

clot, thick fluid -                                                                     grume

cloth, inspector of -                                                                alnager

clothe in mail -                                                                       loricate

clothe; invest, supply -                                                            endue

clothes, of -                                                                           vestiary

cloud flying; driving mist -                                                       rack

clouds, study of -                                                                   nephology

cloven-footed -                                                                      bisculcate

clown, circ, bungler, white-faced-                                           auguste

club-foot; club-footed -                                                          kyllosis; taliped

clumsiness; tactlessness -                                                        maladdress

clumsy; tactless -                                                                    gauche

cluster-pine -                                                                         pinaster

coal-dust -                                                                             culm

coarse, rough & hard -                                                           hask

cobwebby -                                                                           araneous

cod, pert. to -                                                                        gadoid

coddle, pamper -                                                                   cosher

coetanous -                                                                            coeval

co-heir; co-heirship -                                                             parcener; parcenary

coin punched out, remainder plate-                                         scissel

coin, blank before stamping -                                                 planchet

coins/money, pert. to -                                                           numm(ul)ary

cold north/northeasterly wind (Switzerland) -                          bise

cold water, applic. of, to sleeper -                                          cold pig

cold, icy -                                                                              gelid

cold; cold, causing -                                                               algid; algific

cold-blooded -                                                                      ectothermic

collect, store -                                                                        garner

collection choice passages -                                                   chrestomathy

collector matchbox labels-                                                      phillumenist

colour, chang diff. lights -                                                       versicoloured

colour, having the same -                                                        isochromatic

comb, to (wool &c.) -                                                            card

combative -                                                                           agonistic

comb-shaped -                                                                      ctenoid

come to nothing -                                                                   worth to nought

comfortable; good -                                                               bein

command, pert. to -                                                               mandative

commanding -                                                                        jussive

commission (currency exchange) -                                          agio

commotion, confusion -                                                          kippage

company making unwelcome bid to take over another -          black knight

compass-point -                                                                     rhumb

compensation for delay vessel-                                               demurrage

compensation/consolation -                                                    solatium

competitive -                                                                          emulous

complaint -                                                                            querimony

complete -                                                                             thorough-paced

complexion -                                                                          blee

complexion, colour -                                                              blee

compliment, kissing hand -                                                     baisemain

compromise, one who rejects-                                               maximalist

concave and convex -                                                            anticlastic

concave or convex all over -                                                  synclastic

concerning, about -                                                                anent

concise but comprehensive -                                                  compendious

conclusion of speech -                                                            peroration

concurrence, coincidence -                                                     consilience

condemn -                                                                             exprobate

condemn as spurious -                                                           obelise

condense, thicken -                                                                inspissate

condensed reading-matter -                                                    pemmican

cone (of pine etc.) -                                                               strobile

confine, coop up, pen -                                                          corral, immew

confiscate -                                                                            escheat

conflict 2 protagonists, struggle -                                            agon

conflict, one in grip of inner -                                                  agonistes

confronting -                                                                          abutting

confuse, perplex -                                                                  embrangle

confused -                                                                             moidered, mithered

confusing reflection, phantom -                                               eidolon

confusion -                                                                             hubble-bubble, hurly-burly

confusion -                                                                             hurry-skurry

congested city -                                                                     wen

congratulate -                                                                         felicitate

conjoin -                                                                                alligate

conjunction, opposition (astro) -                                             syzygy

connecting (link) -                                                                  annectent

connecting, linking -                                                               annectent

conscience -                                                                          still small voice

conscious, fühlt, denkt nicht -                                                 anoetic

consciousness, the threshold of -                                            limen

conscription -                                                                         blood-tax

consequence, result -                                                             corollary

consider carefully -                                                                 perpend

consistent (with, to) -                                                             consonant

conspiracy -                                                                           covin

conspiracy, small party -                                                        cabal

constipated -                                                                          costive

constipation -                                                                         adstriction

container for liquids -                                                             bidon

contemporary (N) -                                                               coeval

contemptible -                                                                        hilding

contentious -                                                                          litigious

continual repetition -                                                               battology

contradict, deny -                                                                   gainsay

contradict, prone to -                                                             contradictious

contradiction in terms -                                                           antilogy

control Church by state -                                                        Erastianism

converges, touches, not united -                                             connivent

converse confidentially -                                                         collogue

convert (a) -                                                                          proselyte

conveying outward/away -                                                     efferent

convict (to) -                                                                          attaint

convivial, erotic -                                                                   anacreontic

cooked simply and garnished with fresh veg. and herbs -         bonne femme

copse -                                                                                  spinn(e)y

copyist, secretary -                                                                amanuensis

coral-red -                                                                             coralline

cork being drawn, sound of -                                                 cloop

cork, plug -                                                                            stopple

corky -                                                                                  suberic, subereous, -rose

corner, edge -                                                                        cantle

corporation debt, represented by the bonds it has issued -      bonded debt

corpulent -                                                                             abdominous

correcting; a corrective -                                                        corrigent

corruption, abuse of office -                                                   malversation

cosy, make o.s. -                                                                   cose

cough (N, V) -                                                                       hoast

cough (up) -                                                                           expectorate

cough, of a -                                                                          tussal, tussive

counteract. inflammation -                                                      antiphlogistic

counterfeit money; money obtained by official corruption -      boodle

country, live in the -                                                                rusticate

court (untrustworthy) friend -                                                  ami de cour

courteousness -                                                                      comity

courtesan -                                                                            bona roba

covering (adj.) -                                                                     tectorial

coward, weakling -                                                                meacock

cowhouse -                                                                            shippen, -ppon

cows, place for milking -                                                        loaning

crack through too rapid cooling -                                            dunt

crackle, as heated salts -                                                        decrepitate

crackle, snap -                                                                       crepitate

craving for strange foods -                                                      parorexia

crawler -                                                                                lick-spittle

crayfish, science of -                                                              astacology

craze for buying things -                                                         oniomania

crazy -                                                                                   crack-brained

crease, fold, wrinkle -                                                            ruck

Creator -                                                                               demiurge

creeping -                                                                              repent, reptant

creeping (plant)-                                                                    sarmentous/-ose/-aceous

creeping (skin-disease) -                                                        serpiginous

crescent-shaped -                                                                  lunate(d)

crescent-shaped sand-dune -                                                 barkhan

criminal (eccles.) -                                                                  criminous

criminal intent, having -                                                           dolose

crimp, plait -                                                                          goffer

cripple -                                                                                 lamiger

criterion -                                                                               metewand, meteyard

critic, severe -                                                                        Aristarch

critical (period in human life)-                                                 climacteric

criticism, censure -                                                                 animadversion

crocodile bird -                                                                      trochilus

crop out -                                                                              basset

crossed by bars or lines -                                                       cancellated

cross-examination, pert. to -                                                   elenctic

cross-eyed -                                                                          skend, glee-eyed

cross-like -                                                                            crucial

crosswise -                                                                            transverse

crowded, close-set (bot.) -                                                    stipate

cruel; cruelty -                                                                        spitous; immanity

cruelty and rapine -                                                                bashibazoukery

crumbles easily -                                                                    friable

crush someone’s hat over his eyes, to -                                   bonnet

crush, squeeze (to) -                                                              scruze

crust of flaky scales -                                                             scurf

cry down (actor) -                                                                 explode

cry like a crow -                                                                    crake

cry like a sheep or calf -                                                         blat

crypt, vault -                                                                          undercroft

cudgel -                                                                                 alpeen

cudgel, thrash, belabour -                                                       drub, fustigate

cunning, sly -                                                                          leery

cupboard, wardrobe -                                                            almirah

curable -                                                                                sanable

curio, small -                                                                          bibelot

curl, to; to plait; to wrinkle -                                                   frounce

curlew -                                                                                 whaup

curlew, little -                                                                         whimbrel

currant bun -                                                                          barmbrack

currency Argentina -                                                              austral (100 centavos)

currency Ethiopia -                                                                 birr

currency Thailand -                                                                baht (100 satang)

curse -                                                                                   malediction, malison

curse (to); detest -                                                                 execrate

curtain over doorway -                                                           portière

curtain-rod -                                                                          tringle

curvature -                                                                             flexure

curve, S-shaped -                                                                  ogee

curved inwards -                                                                    incurvate

cushion-like; pillowy -                                                            pulvinate

custom; habit -                                                                       assuetude

customary -                                                                           consuetudinary

cut away (bckground. relief sculp)-                                         abated

cut away part of (end of bone) -                                             resect

cut down expenses -                                                              retrench

cut in small pieces -                                                                hash

cut off -                                                                                 exscind

cut off prematurely -                                                               prescind

cut out -                                                                                 excise, exsect

cut out the blubber of -                                                           flench

cut throat of -                                                                         jugulate

cut unskilfully -                                                                       haggle

cut, able to be -                                                                     scissile

cut, capability of being -                                                         secability

cut/wound slightly -                                                                scotch

cutting off, violent separation -                                                abscission

cutting, dividing -                                                                    secant

dabble about noisily, to -                                                        barbote

dagger, hanger -                                                                     baselard

dagger, short/tapering/2-edged -                                            an(e)lace

dagger, small -                                                                       poniard

daily -                                                                                    diurnal, quotidian

dais, low platform -                                                                estrade

dam -                                                                                    anicut

damage (&to), injury -                                                           scath(e)

dance for joy -                                                                       tripudiate

dancing (adj.) -                                                                      orchestic, terpsichorean

dancing mania (S. Italy) -                                                       tarantism

dancing-girl, Egyptian -                                                          alma(h)

dangerous -                                                                           parlous

dapple, variegate -                                                                 flecker

dark -                                                                                    darkling, thuster

dark kind of cherry -                                                              black heart

dark, dreary, (gloomy) -                                                         dern, (tenebrous)

dark, extremely -                                                                   cimmerian

dark, grow; lie concealed -                                                     darkle

darken, (obscure) -                                                                blake, (infuscate)

darkness -                                                                             tenebrity, tenebrosity, thesterness, mirkness

darkness, producing -                                                            tenebrific

darling -                                                                                 asthore

dart repeatedly -                                                                    dartle

daunt, to; to dismay -                                                             amate

dawn -                                                                                   dayspring

dawn, before -                                                                       antelucan

daylight-shunning -                                                                 lucifugous

dead (gatheredíhis/her fathers) -                                            ad patres

deadly; apparently dead -                                                       thanatoid

deafen, stun with dinning noise -                                             deave

dear, pleasing -                                                                      leve

death -                                                                                   cess, latter end

death, discharge from life -                                                     quietus

death-carrying -                                                                     lethiferous

deathlessness -                                                                       athanasy

death-rattle, give -                                                                  ruckle

debatable -                                                                            mootable

debility -                                                                                atony, atonicity

debris, loose, on rocky slope -                                               scree

debt (another’s copper/brass)-                                               aes alienum

debtor in sanctuary Holyrood-                                                abbey-laird

decade -                                                                                decenniad, decennium

decamp, abscond -                                                                levant

decay, general (by age) -                                                        consenescence

decay, weakening -                                                                labefaction

decayed -                                                                              carious

deceit -                                                                                  cozenage

deceit, roundabout means -                                                    indirection

deceitful -                                                                              cautelous

deceive -                                                                               illude

deceive, use shifts and tricks -                                                chicane

deception -                                                                            hocus-pocus

decoction -                                                                            apozem

decorated ceiling -                                                                 plafond

decoration, embellishment -                                                    exornation

decreasing -                                                                           decrescent

decree -                                                                                 fiat

deep sea fishing ground -                                                        haaf

deep, too much so to sound -                                                 plumbless

deeply guttural (sound) -                                                        faucal

deer-like; fawn-coloured -                                                     cervine

defeat (to) -                                                                           scomfit

defeat oppon. with their policy -                                             dish

defecate, (of birds) -                                                              stercorate, (mute)

defecate/urinate -                                                                   ease nature

defence -                                                                               propugnation

defiantly -                                                                              acock

degrade; reduce to animal -                                                    embrute


deification -                                                                            apotheosis

dejected, cast down -                                                            abattu

delay (to) -                                                                            forslow

delaying, cautious -                                                                cunctative, Fabian

delirium -                                                                               phrenesis

dell, open space in wood -                                                     dingle, slade

demigod (Polynesian) -                                                          aitu

demon, evil -                                                                          afrit

demoniac, one possessed -                                                    energumen

demure; over-precise -                                                           mim

denial; refusal -                                                                      denegation

deny, contradict -                                                                   disaffirm

deny, renounce -                                                                    abnegate

dependent, accidental -                                                          contingent

depot for slaves -                                                                   barracoon

depressed, overwhelmed -                                                     accablé

depression, melancholy -                                                        the black dog

deprive of bark/husk/peel -                                                    decorticate

deprive of spirit/courage -                                                      disanimate

deprive, strip -                                                                       divest

deputy, substitute -                                                                 locum-tenens

derailed, be -                                                                         leave the metal

descent; military retreat -                                                        katabasis

desert (to) -                                                                           tergiversate

desert-inhabiting -                                                                  eremic

desire (sensual) -                                                                    appentence

desire (to) -                                                                           desiderate

desire run away home -                                                          drapetomania

desire/appetite, of -                                                                orectic

desirous of pleasing -                                                             complaisant

despair -                                                                                wanhope

despise -                                                                                contemn

despise, disparage, slander -                                                  vilipend

despoil, plunder -                                                                   spoliate

dessert: ice-cream frozen in a round mould -                           bombe

destitute -                                                                              necessitous

destructive metabolism -                                                         katabolism

detract -                                                                                derogate

deviate from a set course -                                                     yaw

device for pulling boots off -                                                   boot-jack

device for pulling boots on -                                                   boot-hook


devour hungrily; be v. hungry -                                               raven

devour, swallow greedily -                                                     engorge

dewy -                                                                                   roscid

diag. over should. chest & back-                                            scarfwise

diagonally (Heraldry) -                                                           bendwise

dialect, vulg. or provincial -                                                    patois

diamond figure -                                                                     lozenge

diamond, flat and thin -                                                           lasque

dice -                                                                                     Devil’s bones

dice, the 6 on -                                                                      sice

die -                                                                                      go west, go to glory, hop the perch

die -                                                                                      swelt, sterve, turn up one’s toes

diet (no sugar, starch, fat) -                                                    bant

diet, luxurious & expensive in -                                               apician

difficult to control -                                                                 hard-mouthed

digress; stray, wander about -                                                divagate

digressive -                                                                            discursive

diligent, assiduous -                                                                sedulous

diminution of swelling -                                                           detumescence

dingy, sombre, brown -                                                          fuscous

dining, science/art of -                                                            aristology

dinner, relating to -                                                                 prandial

dip lightly, drop gently into water -                                          dap

dirge -                                                                                   coronach

dirt, excrement -                                                                    ordure

disagreeable, bad-tempered -                                                 frampold

disappointing prophet/ally -                                                    Balaam

discharge (thin, from a wound) -                                             gleet

discharge at mouth (stream) -                                                 disembogue

discharge of mucus -                                                              blennorrhoea

disciplinarian -                                                                        martinet

disclose -                                                                               unbosom

discontent -                                                                            heartburning

discontinue, but not dissolve -                                                 prorogue

discordant; abhorrent -                                                           absonant

discourse at length -                                                               descant

discuss -                                                                                mell

disease of apples -                                                                 bitter-pit

disease, fits of somnolence -                                                   narcolepsy

disease-causing -                                                                   morbific, pathogenic

disembark -                                                                           debark

disembodied -                                                                        discarnate

disembowel -                                                                         deviscerate, exenterate, gralloch

disfigured by weeping -                                                          beblubbered

disgrace; (to) -                                                                       shenship; shend

disgust, nauseate -                                                                  scunner

disgusted by, to be -                                                              one’s gorge rises at

dish, large flat oval, serving meat -                                          ashet

dishonesty -                                                                           improbity

dishonour, disgrace (to) -                                                       honish

dislike; aversion -                                                                   dyspathy

dislocate -                                                                              luxate

dismal look -                                                                          Lenten face

dismember -                                                                          discerp

dismiss in disgrace -                                                               cashier

dismiss; resign; abdicate -                                                       demit

dismissed, be (suitor) -                                                           get the mitten

dismissed, to be -                                                                   to get one’s books

disorganise -                                                                          muss

disperse -                                                                              disperple

dispersion (of Jews) -                                                             diaspora

dispirited, dejected -                                                              chap-fallen

display, make public -                                                            blazon

disposed (Bib) -                                                                     affectioned

dispossess -                                                                           expropriate

disputatious -                                                                         contradictious

disreputable, rakish -                                                              raffish

dissenting -                                                                            dissentient

dissident -                                                                              frondeur

dissimilar, make (sounds) -                                                     dissimilate

distress (to), put into difficulty -                                              straiten

distress, causing -                                                                   afflictive

distressing -                                                                           carking

distribution -                                                                          repartition

disturbance bodily motion -                                                    ataxy

disturbance of the soil -                                                          bioturbation

disuse, discontinuance -                                                          desuetude

dither -                                                                                  halper

divest -                                                                                  denude

divide into small pieces -                                                        scantle

divided (nearly) to the base -                                                  partite

divided in 2 by deep cleft -                                                     bifid

divided up, that may/must be -                                                partible

divided, incapable of being -                                                   intrenchant

divided, irregularly -                                                               alloiostrophos

dividing with remainder -                                                        aliquant

dividing without remainder -                                                   aliquot

divination by arrows -                                                            belomancy

divination by lots -                                                                  sortilege

divination by plants, esp. the leaves of the sage and fig -          botanomancy

divination, of -                                                                        mantic

divine & human-                                                                    theandric, -anthropic

divine inspiration-                                                                   entheasm, theopneusty

divinely inspired -                                                                   entheate

division into 2 parts -                                                              dichotomy

do perfunctorily -                                                                   scamp

doctrine Christ mere man-                                                      psilanthropism

doctrine non-violence (Hindu) -                                              ahimsa

doctrine that the world is good but not the best possible -       bonism

dodge fulfilling an obligation -                                                 welch

dog-like goblin, portends death -                                            barghaist

dominant influence -                                                               hegemony

Dominican -                                                                           Black Friar

dormant, inactive, resting -                                                     quiescent

dormitory (esp. monastic)-                                                     dorter, dortour

dorsal -                                                                                  tergal

dose/draught forced on animal -                                             drench

dot, stroke, accent -                                                               tittle

doting on husband (of wife) -                                                  maritorious

doting on wife -                                                                      uxorious

dotted -                                                                                 punctate

double -                                                                                 geminate, geminous

double vision -                                                                       diplopia

double-bodied (Heraldry) -                                                    bicorporate

doubles chances of success-                                                   belt-&-braces

doubling stakes on losing -                                                     martingale

doubt -                                                                                  dubiety, dubitation

doubt, to -                                                                             dubitate

dove, pert. to -                                                                      columbine

down, a going -                                                                      degression

downy -                                                                                 pappose, pappous

doze -                                                                                    zizz

drag -                                                                                    hale

drag along the ground -                                                          harl

dragon, wingless -                                                                  lindworm

dragonflies, May-flies, etc. -                                                   neuropteral

drain of blood -                                                                      exsanguinate

draw, paint in watercolours -                                                  limn

draw, paint, engrave, in dots -                                                stipple

drawing inward or together -                                                  adducent

drawing liquor -                                                                     birling

drawl -                                                                                  haw

dread of the unknown -                                                          neophobia

dream -                                                                                 sweven

dream/vision, poetic descrip. of -                                            aisling

dream-time -                                                                          alchera, alcheringa

dreamy -                                                                                wool-gathering

dregs, lees -                                                                           draff

dregs, refuse, sediment -                                                        lees, tailings

dress fabric, light, silky -                                                         barège

dress gaudily -                                                                       bedizen, dizen

dress, (decorate) -                                                                 tog, (trick)

dressmaker -                                                                         mantua-maker

dress-shirt -                                                                           boiled shirt

drink between meals -                                                            bever

drink hard; squander -                                                            bezzle

drink to excess -                                                                    fuddle, swizzle

drink, warm, given to sick -                                                    caudle

drinking-companion -                                                             compotator

drinking-cup, large, Greek -                                                   scyphus

drop, trickle -                                                                        driblet

dropsy, diffused -                                                                   anasarca

dross, to reduce to -                                                              scorify

drudges -                                                                               hewers wood & drawers water

drug Þ forgetfulness of grief -                                                nepenthe

drug smuggler who has swallowed his cargo -                         body packer

drum beat -                                                                            rataplan

drunk -                                                                                  bevvied, bottled, ebrious

drunkard, reveller -                                                                bacchanal, bacchant, borachio, soaker, toper

drunkenness -                                                                        ebriety

dry habitat, flourishing in -                                                      xerophilous

dry habitat, of -                                                                      xeric

dry up -                                                                                 arefy, ensear, exsiccate

dry up into a barky crust -                                                      barken

dry with incipient decay (pear) -                                             sleepy

dry, roast, parch (to) -                                                           torrefy

dry, withered -                                                                       sear, sere

drying -                                                                                  desiccant, (de)siccative

dryness -                                                                               siccity

dubious, shady -                                                                    louche

due to external causes -                                                          xenogenous

dull, make/become -                                                              hebetate

dull, sad -                                                                              dowie

dull, unemotional -                                                                  bovine

dung (of) -                                                                             stercoral, stercoraceous

dung-eating -                                                                         scatophagous

dung-hill -                                                                              mixen

dupe -                                                                                   geck, gudgeon

dusk, at -                                                                               entre chien et loup

dusky, dull -                                                                           subfusc

dusty, powdery -                                                                   pulverous, pulverulent

duty -                                                                                    dever

duty, pert. to -                                                                       deontic

dwarfish person -                                                                   agate

dwarfism -                                                                             achondroplasia

dying, about to die -                                                               moribund

dyspeptic -                                                                            cacogastric

eager to taste/enjoy -                                                             lickerish

eagerly desirous -                                                                   appetent

eagle, African, short-tailed -                                                   bateleur

eaglewood -                                                                          agalloch, agila

early warning, sign -                                                               prodrome

early, morning-                                                                       matutinal

Earth, produced by the -                                                        terrigenous

Earth’s atmosphere, science of-                                              aeronomy

Earth’s heavy core -                                                               barysphere

Earth’s rocky crust -                                                              lithosphere

earthen, made of clay -                                                           fictile

earthenware pot -                                                                  cruse

earthly -                                                                                 sublunary, terrene

earthquake -                                                                          seism

earthworm, pert. to -                                                              lumbricoid

ear-wax -                                                                              cerumen

easily influenced -                                                                   ductile

eat gluttonously -                                                                    guttle

eat voraciously -                                                                    gormandise

eat without appetite -                                                             pingle

eatable -                                                                                comestible

ebbing, flowing back -                                                            refluent

echoless -                                                                              anechoic

ecological -                                                                            biocoenotic

edible for man -                                                                     esculent

edit, correct, censor -                                                             blue-pencil

effect, not taking -                                                                  inoperative

effeminate -                                                                            sissified

effeminately luxurious -                                                           Sardanapalian

egg-carrying -                                                                        oviferous

egg-laying -                                                                            oviparous

elbow; breed short-legged sheep-                                          ancon

elegance of literary style -                                                       concinnity

elephant goad -                                                                      ankus

elephant-driver -                                                                    mahout

elongated towards the poles -                                                 prolate

eloquent -                                                                              silver-tongued

elude, evade, give the slip -                                                    bilk

emaciation due to disease -                                                    tabefaction

embezzle, pilfer -                                                                    defalcate, peculate

embitter, to; to irritate -                                                          acerbate

embrace (to) -                                                                       clip, halse, inarm

embrocation -                                                                        liniment

emerging (Aphr. from sea) -                                                   anadyomene

emotional instability -                                                              lability

encircle; surround -                                                                enlace

enclosed land surround. house -                                             curtilage

encouraging, inciting -                                                             hortative

end in itself, being an -                                                            autotelic

ending abruptly, as if bitten off-                                               premorse

endure -                                                                                 thole

energy, force -                                                                       vim

engaged (teeth in wheels) -                                                     in mesh

enjoyment, devoted search for-                                              apolaustic

enlargement -                                                                         ampliation

enlist (forcibly) -                                                                     impress

enrapture -                                                                             imparadise

enslave -                                                                                bethrall

ensnare, beguile -                                                                   trapan

entangle; confuse; perplex -                                                    embrangle

entirely -                                                                                flesh and fell

entrails (of deer) -                                                                  humbles

entrance -                                                                              ingress

entwine within each other -                                                     intervolve

envelope, covering -                                                               involucre

environment -                                                                         circumambiency

Epiphany gift -                                                                       befana

equal law/rights -                                                                    isonomy

equal time, of -                                                                       isochronal, -ous

equal; companion -                                                                compeer

equivalent, with equal force -                                                  equipollent

equivocate, use trickery -                                                       palter

erection, persistent -                                                               priapism

Eskimo dog -                                                                         malamute

esquire -                                                                                armiger

essence; quibble, distinction -                                                 quiddity

establish in a fixed residence -                                                domicile

estimating straightness by looking along a row of poles -         boning

eternal -                                                                                 aeonian

ethics -                                                                                  deontics

evening flight (woodcock) -                                                    roding

even-toed -                                                                            artiodactyl

everlasting -                                                                           perdurable, sempiternal

everyone, good & bad -                                                         thread & thrum

evil spirit, nightmare -                                                             incubus

evil, baleful -                                                                          malefic

evil, injury -                                                                            bale

evil, turning aside -                                                                 apotropaic

evil-doer -                                                                             budmash

exact copy -                                                                          apograph

exacted, capable of being -                                                    exigible

exactly, directly -                                                                   slick

example, exemplar -                                                               paradigm

excepting -                                                                             bating

excess -                                                                                 nimiety

excessive fluency of speech -                                                  volubility

excessive, beyond reason-                                                     unconscionable

excessively -                                                                          consumedly

excision -                                                                               resection

excited, wildly -                                                                     corybantic

excitement from 1st success -                                                  fleshment

exclude -                                                                               debar

exclude from hopes salvation -                                               reprobate

ex-convict (served term) -                                                      emancipist

excrement (of larvae) -                                                           frass

exhausted -                                                                            effete, fordone, forspent

exhaustion (from hunger) -                                                      inanition

exhibit (dog) at a show -                                                        bench

exhortation (Rom. generalí) -                                                 allocution

expansion, capable of -                                                          expansile

expansive -                                                                            expatiatory

expel; excrete -                                                                      egest

expense (pert. to) -                                                                sumptuary

experience, beyond scope of -                                               metempiric

expiatory -                                                                             piacular

explain -                                                                                explicate

explain away speciously -                                                       gloze over

explain; extract, to -                                                               enucleate

expose to the sun’s rays -                                                       insolate

express detestation for -                                                         conspue

expulsion -                                                                             ejectment

extemporised -                                                                       autoschediastic

extravagantly -                                                                       rantantingly

extravert and introvert, between-                                            ambivert

exult, rejoice -                                                                        jubilate, sing the Te Deum

eyebrow, pert. to -                                                                 superciliary

eyelashes -                                                                             cilia

eyes small/half-shut -                                                              pink-eyed

eyes, with protruding -                                                           lobster-eyed

facial features -                                                                      lineament

fade, wither -                                                                         welk

faeces, of/like -                                                                      stercoraceous, stercoral

failure to retain (urine) -                                                          irretention

fair (Church) -                                                                        kermis

faith, of little -                                                                         minifidianist

faithful -                                                                                 leal

falcon (female) -                                                                     lanner, saker

falcon (male) -                                                                       lanneret

fall down, droop -                                                                  prolapse

fall early, tendency to -                                                           caducity

fall prostrate -                                                                        measure one’s length

falling early -                                                                          caducous

false rumour -                                                                        canard

false, apostate; craven -                                                         recreant

falsehood -                                                                            falsage

fame, renown -                                                                      kudos

fanciful, wild -                                                                        chimerical

fancy box for holding sweets -                                                bonbonnière

fan-shaped -                                                                          flabellate

fantastical dish/item -                                                              kickshaw

farewell -                                                                               valediction

farm-servant -                                                                        hind

farm-shed, open front -                                                          linhay, linney

farmyard -                                                                             barton

Fascist -                                                                                Blackshirt

fastened securely -                                                                 lockfast

fastidious, finicky -                                                                 finigraphical

fat -                                                                                       in flesh, pinguid

fat and ruddy -                                                                       blowzy

fat, clumsy -                                                                           squab

fat, fit for killing-                                                                     in pride/prime of grease

fat, squat -                                                                             fubsy

fatal -                                                                                     mortiferous

fatal disease of oysters -                                                         bonamiasis

fat-buttocked -                                                                      steatopygous

fate -                                                                                     skift

fate, destiny -                                                                         kismet

fatty -                                                                                    aliphatic, sebaceous

fault -                                                                                     demerit

favourite (a), darling -                                                             minion

fawn, flatter -                                                                         gloze

fear (to) -                                                                               redoubt

fear falling from high place-                                                     bathophobia

fear of (being by) o.s. -                                                          autophobia

fear of beards -                                                                      pogonophobia

fear of being buried alive -                                                      taphephobia

fear of crossing roads -                                                          dromophobia

fear of crowds -                                                                     ochlophobia

fear of dogs -                                                                         cynophobia

fear of open spaces -                                                             kenophobia

fear of sharp/pointed objs.-                                                    aichmophobia

fear of slime -                                                                         blennophobia

fear of thunder -                                                                     brontophobia

fear of thunder & lightning -                                                    astraphobia

fear of wind/draughts -                                                           anemophobia

fear thunder & lightning -                                                        keraunophobia

fear, sudden -                                                                        affrightment

fearful -                                                                                  ferly

fearless -                                                                                impavid

feast, merrymaking -                                                              junket

feathered legs, having (birds, poultry) -                                   booted

feathery -                                                                               plumose, plumous

feel, examine by hand -                                                          palpate

feeling/suffering, capable of -                                                  passible

fellow/chap -                                                                          cove, gink

ferocious, strange; leopard -                                                   catamountain

fertile -                                                                                   childing

fervid, eager -                                                                        perfervid

fester -                                                                                   canker, rangle

festive occasion; to feast -                                                      wassail

fetter (N, V) -                                                                        gyve

fever -                                                                                   pyrexia

fever, delirium on board ship -                                                calenture

fez -                                                                                       tarbouche

fib, trifling lie -                                                                        tarradiddle

fiddler -                                                                                 gutscraper

field -                                                                                     glebe

fields, pert. to -                                                                      campestral

fierce, threatening -                                                                truculent

fiercely aggressive -                                                                bare-/white-knuckled

fiery -                                                                                    hotspurred

fighting with shadows -                                                           sciamachy

figurative language -                                                               tropology

filings, chips -                                                                         swarf

filling up of a deficiency -                                                        anaplerosis

filling; fullness -                                                                       impletion

film/scum on liquors -                                                             pellicle

film-director (creator genre) -                                                 auteur

filth, dirt; to defile, to foul -                                                     slotter

filth, refuse, sewage -                                                             sullage

filth; bulging part of a cask -                                                   bilge

financially unsound (stocks, securities) -                                  blue-sky

find out by skilful means -                                                       expiscate

fine (to); (deprive) -                                                               amerce; (mulct)

fine for shedding blood (Old English law) -                             blood-wit(e)

fine sensitivity, pert. to -                                                         epicritic

fine/minute as a hair -                                                             capillary

fingerprints, science of -                                                         dactylography

finish (bottle of wine) -                                                           buzz

fire from dry wood by friction -                                              needfire

fire, of or like -                                                                       igneous

fire-enduring -                                                                        salamandrine

firework, revolving -                                                               girandole

first created man -                                                                  protoplast

first fruits (milk)-                                                                    beestings, op. strippings

fish (sea bream) -                                                                   sar, sargo(s), sargus

fish for eels -                                                                          sniggle

fish, pert. to; resembling-                                                        ichthyic; -thyoid

fish, spent; salmon has just spawned-                                      kelt

fishing net; to fish with… -                                                      seine

fishing, of -                                                                             halieutic

fishing-boat -                                                                         dory

fishing-smack, small -                                                             bawley

fishpond -                                                                              piscina

fissures/cracks on surface -                                                    rimose, -ous

fist -                                                                                       nieve

fitting of artifical parts -                                                           prosthesis

fix, in a -                                                                                up a gum-tree

flag, triangular, colours yacht -                                                burgee

flail, swipple of -                                                                    swingle

flap against mast -                                                                  slat

flap, fold -                                                                              lappet

flash (to) -                                                                              fulgurate

flask, 2-handled; vessel holy oil-                                             ampulla

flat-cap; biretta -                                                                    barret

flatten -                                                                                  planish

flatter, cajole -                                                                       blandish

flattery, blarney -                                                                    soft sawder, soft soap

flattery, deceit -                                                                      glozing

flawless -                                                                               indefectible

flaxen-haired -                                                                       tow-headed

flay, excoriate -                                                                      deglubate

fleeting, transient -                                                                  evanescent, fugacious

flesh, muscle, of -                                                                   sarcous

flesh-coloured, blood-red -                                                    incarnadine

flexible, pliant -                                                                      limber

flickering, licking -                                                                  lambent

flighty -                                                                                  bird-brained, bird-witted

flighty person -                                                                       flibbertigibbet

floating on surface -                                                                supernatant

flog -                                                                                     thwang

flogging -                                                                               vapulation

flogging, pert. to -                                                                  baculine

flourish (after signature) -                                                        paraph

flourish of trumpets -                                                              sennet, tucket

flow tumblingly, be choppy -                                                  popple

flow with a murmuring sound -                                                purl

flower, never-fading, fabled -                                                 amarant(h)

flower, without -                                                                    ananthous

flowering late in season -                                                        serotine

flower-like -                                                                           anthoid

flowing round -                                                                      circumfluent

flowing together -                                                                   confluence, conflux

flowing together; uniting -                                                       confluent

flows out, that which -                                                            efflux

fluster, perplex -                                                                     pother

fly (able to) -                                                                          volitant

flying -                                                                                   volant

fog, smoke -                                                                          London ivy

fold, folded condition -                                                           plication

folk-song on country matters -                                                bothy ballad

following naturally -                                                                consectaneous

following; easily led -                                                              sequacious

fondle in arms, as baby -                                                        dandle

food (for the mind) -                                                              pabulum

food, averse to -                                                                    apositic

food, dainty -                                                                         cates

food, supplying -                                                                    alimental

food, victuals -                                                                       vivers

food/drink, instinctí seek-                                                      alimentiveness

fool -                                                                                     doak, dulbert, lobcock, widgeon

foolish -                                                                                 dill

foot-&-mouth disea. -                                                            contagious aphthae

foothold (gain a) -                                                                  (effect a) lodgement

footless -                                                                               apodal

footman; livery servant -                                                         flunkey

footpad, thief -                                                                       knight of industry

footpath between buildings -                                                   ginnell

footstool (or for knees) -                                                        hassock

footway on bridge -                                                               banquette

foppish -                                                                                dandiacal

for recogn/warn/attract (colours)-                                           sematic

force -                                                                                   raundon

force up from the throat -                                                       hawk

force, vigour; stress in speaking -                                            birr

forced labour -                                                                       begar

forcing to conform -                                                               Procrustean

forearm, of the -                                                                     cubital

forehead-band -                                                                     frontlet

foreign; barbarous-                                                                uplandish; tramontane

foreign-looking -                                                                    peregrinate

foreignness, outlandishness -                                                   peregrinity

foreman (of gang) -                                                                ganger

forerunner -                                                                           harbinger

foresee -                                                                                previse

foresight -                                                                              prevision

foreskin -                                                                               prepuce

forest greenery (cover for deer) -                                           vert

forest, coniferous -                                                                 taiga

forestry -                                                                               sylviculture

foretaste -                                                                              prelibation

forfeiture (of estate/life) -                                                        attainder

fork (farm) -                                                                          graip

fork (to) -                                                                              divaricate

form(ed) into a globe/ball -                                                     conglobate

formal address (Pope- clergy) -                                              allocution

formal, important -                                                                 full-dress

former -                                                                                 quondam

fortified house -                                                                      bastle

fossilised excrement (animals) -                                              coprolite

foul, turbid -                                                                           feculent

fountain-nozzle -                                                                    ajutage

four-rowed barley -                                                               bigg

fox, small, huge ears -                                                            fennec

fox-like -                                                                               alopecoid

fox-like, cunning -                                                                  vulpine

fragment -                                                                              cantlet

fragment -                                                                              scantlet

fragments, splinters -                                                              flinders

fragrant oil from rose-petals -                                                 attar

framework, structure -                                                           compages

fraternity, fellowship -                                                             sodality

fraudulent -                                                                            covinous

fray, brawl -                                                                           wigs on the green

free from pauperism -                                                             depauperise

freehold estate -                                                                     allodium (opp. feudum)

freemason’s son -                                                                  lewis

French country-house -                                                          bastide

fret, murmur -                                                                        repine

frighten, to -                                                                           affright(en)

frightened -                                                                            ghasted

fringed -                                                                                 fimbriate

froggy -                                                                                 ranarian

frogs, toads, newts, pert. to -                                                 batrachian

from hand to mouth -                                                             au jour le jour

frosted in appearance -                                                          pruinose

froth of fermenting liquor -                                                      barm

fruit growing -                                                                        pomiculture

fruit, e.g. pineapple -                                                              anthocarp

fruit, without -                                                                        acarpous

fruit-bearing -                                                                         frugiferous

fry, scorch; a curl -                                                                 frizzle

full powers, having -                                                               plenipotentiary

fun/mirth, opposed to -                                                           antithalian

funeral dirge -                                                                        coronach

funeral ode -                                                                          epicede, epicedium

fungus (of mushroom family) -                                                agaric

fur (ceremonial costume) -                                                      miniver

fur, hair, wool -                                                                      pelage

furniture, piece of fixed -                                                        fitment

furrow on surface of brain -                                                    sulcus

furrowed, (grooved) -                                                            striated, (sulcate)

fuse, combine (2 diff. into 1) -                                                conflate

fusty -                                                                                    frowsty

gad about (idly) -                                                                   fizgigg, (trapes)

gadfly, horsefly -                                                                    cleg

gaiety -                                                                                  riancy

gallery, arcade, balcony -                                                       loggia

gang slaves, tied together -                                                     coffle

gangrene/necrosis, suffer from-                                               sphacelate

gap -                                                                                     hiatus, lacuna

gape, open -                                                                          dehisce

garland, wreath -                                                                    lei

garnet, precious -                                                                   almandine

garrotter’s confederate -                                                        backstall

gaudy, flashy -                                                                       meretricious

gaunt -                                                                                   rawboned

gaze intently at -                                                                     avise

general, universal -                                                                 ecumenical

generated by water -                                                              undigenous

genial conversation -                                                              flow of soul

genius & fool -                                                                       mattoid

genius, one’s good -                                                               agathodaimon

get -                                                                                      hent

gibe, jeer -                                                                             gird

giddy -                                                                                   swimy

gift (inaugural) -                                                                      hansel, handsel

gift from/to God -                                                                   deodate

gift, of the nature of -                                                              munerary

giggling girl -                                                                          giglet

gin -                                                                                       blue ruin

gird, encompass -                                                                  cincture

gird, to -                                                                                accinge

girl -                                                                                      colleen

give -                                                                                     cun, lene

give concrete form to -                                                           incarnate

give form/life to -                                                                    inform

given too difficult a part -                                                        overparted


glass, drinking, large -                                                            rummer

glassy -                                                                                  hyaline, vitreous

glittering -                                                                              clinquant

gloomy, dark -                                                                       Acherontic

gloomy, phlegmatic -                                                              saturnine

glue, like -                                                                              colloid, gelatinous

gluttonous -                                                                            edacious

gluttony -                                                                               edacity, gulosity

gnawing, (rodentlike) -                                                           rodent, (rosorial)

goat, wild -                                                                            markhor

goat-like -                                                                              caprine, hircine

goats, pert. to -                                                                      capric, caprid

goblin, spectre -                                                                     bodach

God -                                                                                    The Ancient of Days

going backwards; to go back -                                               retrograde

gold coin -                                                                             bezant

gold, pert. to -                                                                       auric

gold-coloured -                                                                      aurated

golden -                                                                                 aurelian

gondolier’s song -                                                                  barcarole

good digestion, of/having -                                                     eupeptic

good fortune -                                                                        seel

good/established order -                                                        eutaxy

good-looking -                                                                       circassian

good-natured fellow -                                                            bon diable

goodness, kindness, charity -                                                  beneficence

goose-flesh -                                                                          horripilation

gorge, deep -                                                                         barranca

gossip -                                                                                 quidnunc

Gothamite -                                                                           Abderite (from Abdera)

gourd -                                                                                  cucurbit

gouty (feet) -                                                                          podagral, -rous, -ric(al)

gouty deposit (teeth, joints) -                                                  tophus

grand piano, small, slightly bigger than baby grand -                boudoir grand

grandee; provincial governor -                                                adelantado

grandfather, pert. to -                                                             aval, avital

grandfather, relating to -                                                         avital

grandfather’s grandfather -                                                     tresaiel

grandparent, relating to -                                                        aval

graphite -                                                                               plumbago, blacklead

grasp -                                                                                   gripe

grasping, capable of -                                                             prehensile

grasses, study of -                                                                  agrostology

grassy -                                                                                 graminious, graminaceous

grating noise (& vi) -                                                              scroop

gratuity to ensure good will -                                                  douceur

great amount/number of -                                                       a mort of

great king -                                                                            padishah

greater, to (seem to) make -                                                   aggrandise

greedy, gluttonous -                                                               edacious

Greek calends -                                                                     later Lammas

Greek parliament -                                                                 boule

green, abnormally -                                                                virescent

green, sickly -                                                                        chlorotic

green; greenish -                                                                    virid; viridescent

greenish, pale -                                                                      beryl

greetings; farewell -                                                                aloha

greyish -                                                                                griseous

greyish-green -                                                                       sage-green

greyish-yellow -                                                                     isabelline

grief -                                                                                    tene

grievance -                                                                             gravamen

grieve -                                                                                  erne

grimace, to -                                                                          mop and mow

grind coarsely -                                                                      kibble

grind with the teeth -                                                              scranch, scrunch

grinning, gaping -                                                                    ringent

gripes -                                                                                  tormina

groove, channel; bevel, slope -                                               chamfer

grooved, furrowed -                                                               vallecular, -ate

grooved, striated -                                                                 canaliculate(d)

grope -                                                                                  grabble

grossness -                                                                            crassitude

grotesque -                                                                            antic

grounds of gent’s country-house-                                           policies

grow fat -                                                                              batten

grow together, to -                                                                 accrete

grow, put forth buds -                                                            bourgeon

growing (together into one) -                                                  accretion

growing together,a -                                                               concrescence

growing worse -                                                                     ingravescent

growing; ever-increasing -                                                      accrescent

gruel, thin -                                                                            skilly, skilligalee

grumble, fret -                                                                        grizzle, grutch

guide -                                                                                   cicerone

guitar-like inst., Japanese, 3-stringed -                                    samisen

gums, of the -                                                                         gingival

gurgle (running water) -                                                          burble

gust of wind -                                                                         flaw

H, formed like the letter -                                                       zygal

hack, mangle -                                                                       hackle

haggle -                                                                                 chaffer, higgle

hair, loss of -                                                                          psilosis

hair, promoting growth of -                                                     trichogenous

hairless -                                                                                depilate

hairless, smooth -                                                                   glabrous, -rate

hair-tuft on lower lip -                                                            imperial

hairy -                                                                                    crinite, pilous, pilose

half -                                                                                      moiety

half-asleep -                                                                           somnolescent

half-blind -                                                                             purblind, sand-blind

half-dead; dejected -                                                              alamort

half-score, a (10) -                                                                 dicker

halo, aureole -                                                                        nimbus

halter -                                                                                   Tyburn tippet

halved -                                                                                 dimidiate

hamlet -                                                                                 thorp(e)

hammer (chairman’s) -                                                           gavel

hamstring (to) -                                                                      hough, hock

handle, having a -                                                                   ansate

handle, semicircular (kettle) -                                                  bail

hand-propelled -                                                                    manumotive

hand-shaped -                                                                       palmate

handsome -                                                                            featous

hang trailing -                                                                         draggle, drail

hanging; suspended -                                                              pensile

happiness, producing -                                                           felicific

happy, at one -                                                                      euthymic

harangue (a) -                                                                        diatribe, homily, philippic

harass with overwork -                                                          haze

harass, disturb -                                                                     dretch

harass/compel by bullying -                                                    dragoon

hard put to it -                                                                        hard sted

harden -                                                                                 indurate

hardship -                                                                              erumny

hare, pert. to -                                                                       leporine

harem -                                                                                  seraglio

harm -                                                                                   grame, scathe, dere

harmful, destructive -                                                              deleterious

harness, in -                                                                           in the traces

harpooner, chief -                                                                  spektioneer

Harrowing of Hell (Byz. Art) -                                                anastasis

hasten, pass swiftly -                                                              fleet

hasten; dispatch (to) -                                                            expedite

hasty -                                                                                   festinate

hat, broad-brimmed -                                                             sundown

hat, hard, felt -                                                                       billycock

hatched immature, parents feed -                                            altricial

haughty -                                                                               hoity-toity

haughty person -                                                                    bashaw

haul or lift up with rope -                                                        trice

having a convex front (furniture) -                                           bombé

having buds/knobs at each extremity (Heraldry) -                    botoné

having no immediate practical application (research)-              blue-sky

having the appearance -                                                         beseen

hawker -                                                                                cadger, tranter

hawklike, rapacious -                                                             accipitral

hawks, rel. to -                                                                      accipitrine

head -                                                                                    mazzard, noddle, sconce

head king -                                                                            ardri(gh)

head of the Jesuits -                                                               Black Pope

head to foot -                                                                         cap-à-pie

head, belonging to -                                                               cephalic

head, crown of -                                                                    noll

head; large apple -                                                                 costard

headache -                                                                             cephalalgy

heading straight for target -                                                     balladromic

headless -                                                                              acephalous

headstone, finishing touch -                                                     copestone

heal; make sign of cross over -                                               sain

healed, that may be -                                                              medicable

healing pool, Jerusalem -                                                        Bethesda

health-promoting -                                                                 salutiferous

healthy state mind & body -                                                   eucrasy

heap -                                                                                    cumulus

heap, mass together -                                                             coacervate

heap, pile (waste from coal-mine) -                                        bing

heaped -                                                                                acervate

heart-shaped -                                                                       cordate

heat (to) -                                                                              stove

heat, in (female) -                                                                   oestrous

heather -                                                                                ling

heaven -                                                                                Land o’ the Leal

Heaven, tree of (Asiatic) -                                                      ailanto, -nthus

heavy (with child) -                                                                gravid

hedge, tree-branches interwoven -                                          raddle

heel over -                                                                             careen

height of fashion -                                                                   bon ton

heinous -                                                                                flagitious

helmet: movable front part -                                                    aventail(e)

help, relieve; be advantageous -                                              bestead

helpful -                                                                                 adjuvant, adminicular

hereness & nowness -                                                            haecceity

heresy -                                                                                 heterodoxy

heresy, leader/founder of -                                                     heresiarch

heretic’s garment (Inq.) -                                                        sanbenito

Hermes’ winged hat -                                                             petasus

hermitage (India) -                                                                 ashram

herpetic -                                                                               dartrous

herring partially dried in smoke (esp. Yarmouth) -                   bloater

hesitate -                                                                                mammer

hesitate, vacillate; waffle -                                                       haver

high birth, not of -                                                                  crestless

high, slit-shaped neckline, extending onto shoulders -              boat neck

high, steep river-bank -                                                          bluff

highest point, at its -                                                               culminant

highwayman -                                                                        bandolero

hill, rounded -                                                                        mamelon

hill, small -                                                                             monticule

hill-fort, prehistoric -                                                              rath

hillock (small) -                                                                      hummock

Himalayan sheep -                                                                 bharal, blue sheep

hinder/preclude -                                                                    estop

Hindi name of Republic of India -                                           Bharat

Hindu ascetic/hermit -                                                            sannyasi(n)

Hindu gods, drink of -                                                            amrita

Hindu woman’s secluded apartment -                                     zenana

hint at -                                                                                  inkle

hissing -                                                                                 sibilant

hit hard -                                                                                crump

hitch -                                                                                    contretemps

hog -                                                                                     suid

hog family, of the -                                                                 suilline

hog, wild -                                                                             babiroussa

hog, wild (Malay) -                                                                babirusa

hole emitting gases (volcano) -                                                fumarole

hole for light in wall tower -                                                    dream-hole

hole for neck in guillotine -                                                      lunette

hollow like a pipe -                                                                fistular

hollow-faced -                                                                       lantern-jawed

holy oil, unction -                                                                   chrism

holy-water sprinkler -                                                             aspergill(um)

holy-water sprinkler -                                                             aspersoir

holy-water vessel -                                                                 aspersory (-sorium)

homestead -                                                                           toft

honeycomb-like -                                                                   faveolate, favose, pitted

honeycomed, pitted -                                                             alveolate

honour, loss of -                                                                     atimy

hook (large) -                                                                        cleek

hooked -                                                                               adunc (-ate/d, -ous)

hooked -                                                                               uncate

hooked at the end -                                                                uncinate

hook-shaped -                                                                       unciform

hooved, hoof-shaped -                                                           ungulate

hooves, having uncloven -                                                      solidungulate

hooves, with padded (camel, llama) -                                     tylopod

hopelessness, breakdown rules -                                            anomie

horn, resembling -                                                                  kerasine

horned; shaped like horn -                                                      corniculate

horns, having -                                                                       cornigerous

horns, without -                                                                      acerous

horny, made of horn -                                                            corneous

horrify, to -                                                                            agrize

horse, small (Spanish) -                                                          garron, (jennet)

horse, swift -                                                                          courser

hospitable -                                                                            xenial

hostile -                                                                                 inimical

hostile, antagonistic -                                                              adversarial

house; nightcap -                                                                    biggin

house-husband -                                                                    betty

howl, yell -                                                                             yawl

hubbub -                                                                                charivari

huge -                                                                                    leviathan

hum, buzz, drone, boom, to -                                                 bombilate, bombinate

human anatomy -                                                                   anthropotomy

human flesh as food -                                                             long pig

human/animal form (god)-                                                      therianthropic

humble (to) -                                                                          bring low

humbug, pretentious nonsense -                                              blague, blah

humpback -                                                                           kyphosis

hump-backed -                                                                      gibbous

hunch; hip -                                                                            huckle

hungry -                                                                                 clammed, fammelled, gant,

hungry -                                                                                 thirl, wallow, yap

hungry, lean, weak -                                                               starveling

hungry, rapacious -                                                                esurient

hunted, fit to be; justifiable -                                                   warrantable

hunting, fit for -                                                                      runnable

hunting, pert. to -                                                                   venatic(al)

hurl, dash -                                                                            ding

hurricane -                                                                             baguio

hurry; withdraw in haste -                                                       scuttle

hurtful -                                                                                  maleficient

hurtful, noxious -                                                                    nocuous

hut (fishermen’s, hinds’) -                                                       bothy

hut, rough, shepherds’ -                                                         shieling

huts (encampment of) -                                                          hutment

hybrid (2 different genera) -                                                    bigener

I adjust, I do not move (Chess) -                                            j’adoube

ice-axe -                                                                                piolet

idiot -                                                                                    cullion, dotterel, honnikin

idle; superfluous -                                                                   otiose

idler -                                                                                    fainéant, flâneur

ignore presence of -                                                               cut dead

ill-constructed -                                                                      incondite

illegitimacy -                                                                           bend-sinister (left, up)

illiterate, totally -                                                                    analphabetic

ill-luck -                                                                                 ames-ace (lowest throw)

illuminate (manuscripts) -                                                        miniate

ill-will -                                                                                  animus

imaginary, visionary -                                                             airdrawn

imbecile; old-womanish -                                                       anile

imitation gold -                                                                       oreide

immature, unfledged -                                                             callow

immodesty -                                                                           impudicity

immortal, unfading -                                                               amaranthine

immortality -                                                                          amritattva

impact -                                                                                 percussion

impartial -                                                                              cross-bench

impartially -                                                                            without fear or favour

impasse, standstill -                                                                nonplus

impermanence, fleetingness -                                                  caducity

impervious -                                                                           imperviable

important, very -                                                                    of vital concernment

importune for payment -                                                         dun

impotent/castrated person/animal -                                         spado

impound -                                                                              pinfold

impoverish -                                                                           depauperate

impregnate; (of fishes) -                                                          fecundate; (milt)

impress by stamping (coin) -                                                   incuse

imprison -                                                                              lay/clap by the heels

improve -                                                                               meliorate

impudent fellow! -                                                                  coxcomb, jackanapes

in prison -                                                                              in bird

in the far outback, beyond civilisation -                                   beyond the black stump

in two rows -                                                                         bifarious

in vain -                                                                                 unthrivingly

inability to feel pleasure -                                                        anhedonia

inability to make decisions-                                                     aboulia

inability to recognise familiar -                                                 agnosia

inborn, innate -                                                                       connate

incentive -                                                                              incitation

incidental, subordinate -                                                         adjunctive

incipient internal decay in fruit without external sign -               blet

inclination, disposition -                                                          propensity

incline from the vertical, to -                                                   hade

incline to one side (Naut.) -                                                    list

income not reported for tax purposes -                                   black money

incomplete, wanting sth -                                                        catalectic

incorrect use of word -                                                           catachresis

increase in size -                                                                     auxesis

increasing -                                                                            crescent

inculcate -                                                                              infix

indefinitely -                                                                           sine die

indented; with the edge notched -                                           crenate

independent existence (of God) -                                            aseity

independent, autonomous -                                                    autocephalous

Indian land-measure-                                                             bigha

indifferent, uninterested -                                                        pococurante

indigestion -                                                                           dyspepsia

indiscriminate slaughter -                                                        battue

indisputable, irrefutable -                                                        irrefragable

infectious -                                                                             latching, smittling

inference; conclusion -                                                            illation

inferior stuffs -                                                                        linsey (-woolsey)

infidel, misbeliever -                                                               miscreant

inflammation of testicles -                                                       orchitis

inflammatory -                                                                        phlogistic

influence, to; something that… -                                             leaven

inherent, innate, intrinsic -                                                       immanent

inherited property -                                                                hereditament

injurious, hurtful -                                                                   nocent

inlaid work (furniture) -                                                          marqueterie

innermost shrine -                                                                   penetralia

innkeeper -                                                                            aubergiste, Boniface

inn-servant, who helped pull off the guest’s boots -                 boot-catcher

inquiring, the act of -                                                              sciscitation

inquiry, proceeding by -                                                         zetetic

inquisitive, to be -                                                                   poke & pry

insatiable -                                                                             stanchless

insect development, final stage -                                             imago

insert (words) hastily -                                                            spatchcock

insert between others -                                                           intercalate

insipid -                                                                                 flummery

insolence, rudeness, disgrace -                                               contumely

insolent, reproachful -                                                             contumelious

inspiration -                                                                            afflatus, inflatus

instigation -                                                                            impulsion

instrument measuring chest -                                                   cyrtometer

instrument, evolved xylophone -                                             marimba

intellect, of the -                                                                     noetic

intellectual; capable of thought-                                               dianoetic

intelligence -                                                                           brain-sauce

intercessor -                                                                           paraclete

interlocked (fingers) -                                                             interdigitate

intermarriage diff. races -                                                        miscegenation

interment in a barrow/mound -                                                tumulation

interpose between combatants -                                             stickle

interpret -                                                                              descrive

interpreting, explanatory -                                                       hermeneutic

intertwine branches of -                                                          pleach

intestines (pert. to) -                                                               enteric

in-the-way -                                                                           de trop

intricate, difficult -                                                                  gordian

introduction (to treatise) -                                                       prolegomena

introductory hymn, psalm -                                                     introit

inviolable -                                                                             irrefrangible

invisible -                                                                               viewless

involuntary defecation -                                                          encopresis

involved, complicated -                                                          involute

ironical -                                                                                antiphrastic

irony, refined -                                                                       asteism

irreg. rapid contraction heart -                                                fibrillation

irritable -                                                                                liverish

irritate, vex -                                                                          roil

Isaac, binding of -                                                                  akedah

island, small, flat in lake/river -                                                ait

Isle of Man legislature -                                                          Tynwald

Isle of Man, admin. district of -                                               sheading

islet, esp. in a river -                                                               holm

Israel, immigration to -                                                           aliya(h)

issue forth from narrow pass -                                                debouch

Italian -                                                                                  Ausonian

Italian cheese, mild -                                                              bel paese

itching; (violently)-                                                                  pruritic; (pruriginous)

jackal -                                                                                  lion’s provider

jacket/waistcoat, not reaching waist or meeting in front -         bolero

Jacobite -                                                                              nonjuror

jagged, rough -                                                                      hackly

jargon -                                                                                 algavaric

jargon -                                                                                 baragouin

jaw -                                                                                     chavel

jaw, cheek -                                                                          chap

jaws, pert. to -                                                                       gnathic

jaws, with projecting -                                                            prognathous

jerk (upwards) -                                                                    hoick

jest -                                                                                      glick, gleek

jester -                                                                                   droll

Jewish Court, London -                                                         Beth Din

Jews, Polish & German -                                                       Ashkenazim

Jews, Span. & Port. -                                                            Sephardim

join firmly together -                                                               compaginate

joke -                                                                                    funniment

jolly-boat -                                                                            yawl

judge (Isle of Man) -                                                              deemster, dempster

judge between two -                                                              dijudicate

jump to conclusion, a -                                                           saltus

jumped-up official -                                                                bumble, little Hitler,

jumped-up official -                                                                jack-in-office

junior, lower in rank -                                                             puisne

jut, hang over -                                                                      beetle

kale -                                                                                     borecole

kangaroo, male, large -                                                          boomer

kayak, Alaskan Inuit -                                                            bidarka

keen-sighted -                                                                        lyncean

kestrel -                                                                                 staniel

kill -                                                                                       send to glory

kill outright -                                                                          enecrate

killing of offspring -                                                                prolicide

killing victim for sacrifice -                                                      mactation

kilt -                                                                                      filibeg

kind of spaniel -                                                                     Blenheim

kind to inferiors -                                                                   benignant

kind, good -                                                                           beneficent, beneficential

kindle -                                                                                  accend

kindled, capable of being -                                                     accendible

kindly, benign -                                                                      benefic

king without royal power -                                                     roi fainéant

kiss (to) -                                                                               buss, osculate

kissing -                                                                                 osculant

kiwi -                                                                                     apteryx

knee, pert. to -                                                                       genual

knife-edged -                                                                         cultrate

knife-maker -                                                                         cutler

knight of higher grade (vassals) -                                            banneret

knock-kneed -                                                                       hurked up, varus

knot in wool/cloth; to clear of…                                             burl

knot on tree -                                                                         knar, knur

knotted -                                                                               nodated

knotty point -                                                                         nodus

knotty, (rugged) -                                                                   (knaggy), nodose

knowingly, wilfully -                                                               scienter

knowledge -                                                                          witting

knuckle bone -                                                                       dib

kotow, to -                                                                            knock head

label pasted on inside cover of a book, with owner’s name - bookplate

laborious -                                                                             operose

lacerate; criticise severely -                                                     scarify

lack co-ordination in action -                                                  asynergy

lack/absence, denoting -                                                         abessive

lacking desire -                                                                      inappetent

ladder-like -                                                                           scalariform

lake dwelling -                                                                       crannog

lake-dwelling, prehistoric -                                                     palafitte

lakes, pert. to -                                                                      lacustrine

lamb; kid -                                                                             yeanling

lament, wail -                                                                         yammer

lamentation -                                                                          jeremiad

lamp, pert. to -                                                                       lucernal

lancet (to bleed horse/cattle) -                                                fleam

land of the chrysanthemum -                                                   Japan

land, low, fertile, along riverbanks -                                        carse

land, low-lying, reclaimed fr. sea -                                          polder

landing stair on riverside -                                                       ghat, ghaut

land-leaper -                                                                          vagabond

lane -                                                                                     boreen

lane, alley, narrow street -                                                      vennel

language, speaking the same -                                                collingual

lanky/feeble person -                                                              windlestraw

lap/bosom, pert. to -                                                              gremial

large (bursting) meteor -                                                         bolide

lark -                                                                                     laverock

larval, nascent -                                                                      incipient, nepionic

lascivious -                                                                             prurient

lash, beat -                                                                             welt

lasso -                                                                                   lariat

latch -                                                                                    sneck

late-learner -                                                                          opsimath

latent -                                                                                   delitescent

lath; thin strip of wood -                                                         slat

laugh loudly -                                                                         cachinnate

laughs, one who never -                                                         agelast

laughter-provoking -                                                              risorial

launderess -                                                                           blanchisseuse

law of talion/retaliation -                                                         lex talionis

lawful, allowable -                                                                  licit

lawyers -                                                                               gentlemen of the robe

layers, in thin parallel -                                                            straticulate

lazy -                                                                                     lither

leach, to -                                                                              lixiviate

leader -                                                                                  dux

leader of revolt -                                                                    anarch

leading two different ways -                                                    bivious

lead-poisoning -                                                                     saturnism

leafless -                                                                                aphyllous

leaf-stalk -                                                                             petiole

leaf-vein -                                                                              nervure

leafy -                                                                                    foliaceous

leap clear out of water (whale) -                                             breach

leap year -                                                                             bissextile

leap, frolic -                                                                           curvet

leap, jump, dance (to) -                                                          saltate

leaping/passing across -                                                          transilient

leaps, progressing by -                                                           saltigrade

leather, pert. to -                                                                    coriaceous

leave in a hurry -                                                                    absquatulate

leave of absence -                                                                  furlough

lecture (in univ.) -                                                                   prelect

leek-green -                                                                           porraceous

left hand -                                                                              bridle-hand

leg, pert. to -                                                                          crural

legionary’s oblong shield -                                                      scutum

legislative chambers, with 2 -                                                  bicameral

legs of unequal length -                                                           badger-legged

leisure, ease -                                                                         otium

lemon-coloured -                                                                   citrine

lemur, Madagascan -                                                             lemur

lens-shaped -                                                                         lentoid

leprous, full of sores -                                                             lazar-like

lesbian -                                                                                 tribade

lessen, minimise -                                                                   minify

let burn while cooking -                                                          bishop

let out, lease -                                                                        ablocate

letter thanks for hospitality -                                                   roofer

level space for walk/drive -                                                    esplanade

level, open (country) -                                                            champaign

liar -                                                                                      Ananias

liberal, broad -                                                                       latitudinarian

librarian -                                                                               bibliothecary

lie low; to hide -                                                                     tappice

lies, lying -                                                                             leasing

life, rel. to; vital -                                                                    zoetic

lifeless, destitute of spirit -                                                      sprightless

lift forcefully, to -                                                                    arrace

ligament restricting motion -                                                    frenum

light complexion & hair -                                                        xanthocroid

light sleep -                                                                            dog-sleep

light/lamp; the eye -                                                                glim

light-emitting (living organism) -                                              bioluminescent

lightless -                                                                               aphotic

lightning -                                                                               levin

lily-shaped -                                                                           crinoid

limbs, lacking from birth -                                                       ameliac

limitation -                                                                              circumscription

limp, to -                                                                                claudicate

limper -                                                                                  dot and go one

line -                                                                                      flux of a point

line cutting a set of lines -                                                        transversal

line where lips meet -                                                             commissure

linen (mummies wrapped in) -                                                 byssus

link tog, connect in series -                                                     concatenate

link, bond, connexion -                                                           nexus

lip ornament -                                                                        labret

lips of bloodhound, hanging -                                                  flews

lips, inflammation of -                                                             cheilitis

listening -                                                                               audient

listlessness, torpor -                                                               accidie, acedia

lists (in a tournament) -                                                           barrace

literally -                                                                                au pied de la lettre

literary clique -                                                                       cenacle

litter of pigs -                                                                         farrow

little -                                                                                     ickle

live tog (in btw symb/par)-                                                     commensalism

lively, merry person -                                                             grig

lively; rowdy -                                                                        rorty, raughty

living in fresh water -                                                              limnetic

living in mud -                                                                        limicolous

living in ponds/marshes -                                                        limnophilous

living in/on soil -                                                                     terricolous

living organism -                                                                     biont

living with wife’s family -                                                        matrilocal, uxorilocal

lizard (thick-tongued) -                                                           agamid, agamoid

lizards, pert. to -                                                                    lacertain

llama, species of -                                                                  alpaca

lockjaw -                                                                               trismus

loiter; slouch -                                                                        mooch, mouch

long (word) -                                                                         sesquipedalian

long and slender -                                                                  filiform

long home, low road -                                                            grave

long, sweeping uppercut -                                                      bolo

long-lasting -                                                                          chronic(al), diuturnal

long-lived -                                                                            longevous, macrobiotic

long-sightedness -                                                                  hypermetropia

long-sightedness (old age) -                                                    presbyopia

long-suffering -                                                                       longanimous

long-tailed -                                                                           longicaudate

long-winded -                                                                        de longue haleine

look at/for, to -                                                                      aspect

looking backward (Her.) -                                                     regardant

lop off -                                                                                 dod

lop off from the trunk -                                                           detruncate

loquacious fool -                                                                    bletherskate

lord of men (Agamemnon) -                                                   anax andron

Lord of Misrule -                                                                   abbot of unreason

Lord, belonging to -                                                               dominical

lose weight -                                                                          lank

loss of musc. strength -                                                           asthenia, debility

lost, liable to be -                                                                   amissible

loud, powerful (voice) -                                                          stentorian

loud-breather -                                                                      grampus

lousy (infected with lice) -                                                       pedicular(ous)

lout -                                                                                     lusk

love of women -                                                                     philogyny

love, pert. to -                                                                        amative

love, propensity to -                                                               amativeness

love, state being in; romantic l.-                                              amorance

love-knot; love-sonnet -                                                         amoret

love-making -                                                                        amation

lover -                                                                                   amorist, amoroso

lover of learning -                                                                   philomath

loving one’s offspring -                                                           philoprogenitive

lowest order of mammals,1of-                                                monotreme

lucid -                                                                                    perspicuous

lump, small (coal) -                                                                nubble

lung, sound of disease -                                                          râle

lust -                                                                                      concupiscence

lustful -                                                                                  concupiscent, -piscible

lustful, lecherous -                                                                  salacious

luxurious -                                                                              sybaritic

lying -                                                                                    mendacious

lying between -                                                                      interjacent

lying down, head up -                                                             couchant

lying on ground penitence -                                                     humicubation

lying on the back -                                                                 resupine

lying/leaning forward -                                                            procumbent

Macedonian’s lance -                                                             sarissa

machete -                                                                              matchet

magic -                                                                                  gramary

maiming -                                                                               mayhem

maintenance, support -                                                           sustentation

make fast (rope) -                                                                  belay

make over to another -                                                           dispone

malicious raiser of discord -                                                    barrator

malignant person -                                                                  cacodaemon

malleable, tractable -                                                              ductile

malodorous perspiration -                                                      osmidrosis

mammals, study of -                                                               therology

man -                                                                                     animal bipes

manger -                                                                                cratch

manifoldness -                                                                        multeity

manlike (the highest apes) -                                                    anthropoid

Manx cat -                                                                             rumpy

marble, of -                                                                            marmoreal

march, tramp -                                                                       footslog

marginal note (Bible) -                                                            postil

market, prices are falling -                                                      bear market

marriage (relating to) -                                                            hymeneal, conjugal, connubial

marriage within clan -                                                             endogamy

marriage; man lives with wife’s relations-                                beenah

married woman’s gallant -                                                      cicisbeo

marshes, of -                                                                          paludal, -dic, palustral

marshy; (malarial) -                                                                marish; (paludal)

mason’s hod -                                                                        trug

massage, use of light taps in-                                                  tapotement

master, sir (S. African, b. to w.) -                                           baas

material; corporeal -                                                               hylic

mating with only one female -                                                 monogyny

mating with only one male -                                                    monandry

matter thrown out (volc.) -                                                     ejecta(menta)

mature, suppurate fully -                                                         maturate

mawkish, feeble -                                                                   milk-and-water

meagre -                                                                                lenten

meal, repast; refreshment -                                                     refection

mean, paltry, low -                                                                 scall

meanings, having many -                                                         multivocal

means of defence -                                                                 muniment

mean-spirited -                                                                      pusillanimous

measure of capacity (grain) or weight (flour; 10 st.) -              boll

meat, sun-dried, lean -                                                           biltong

medicine mixed honey&syrup -                                              electuary

medicine to gratify, not cure -                                                 placebo

medicine/physicians, pert. to -                                                iatric(al)

medley, ridiculous -                                                                gallimaufry

meek, mild -                                                                          pigeon-livered

meekness, mildness -                                                             mansuetude

meet -                                                                                    forgather

meeting (to discuss policy) -                                                   caucus

meeting, clandestine -                                                             conventicle

melancholy -                                                                          hipped

melancholy arising from love-                                                 erotomania

melancholy, acrimonious -                                                      atrabiliar,-ious

melodic embellishment -                                                         roulade

melodious -                                                                            canorous

melodramatic (cheaply so) -                                                   transpontine

melting -                                                                                liquescent

membrane round heart -                                                         pericardium

memory, weakening the -                                                       antimnemonic

memory-prompting -                                                              remindful

men/stamens, without -                                                           anandrous

mend (a fire) -                                                                        bete

menial worker -                                                                     turnspit

mental deficiency -                                                                 amentia

mercenary, corrupt -                                                              venal

merchant vessel, armed -                                                        carrack

mercifulness -                                                                         lenity

mere mortal -                                                                         man of mould

merry companion -                                                                 galliard

merry, cheerful -                                                                    jocund

meteorite -                                                                             aerolite, aerolith

Methodist or Baptist Church -                                                bethel

midday, before -                                                                    antemeridian

midwife -                                                                               accoucheuse

military rule -                                                                          stratocracy

milk, pertaining to -                                                                lacteal, lactic

milk, producing -                                                                    lactiferous

milk, turning to -                                                                     lactescent

milk-drinking -                                                                       galactophagous

mind at birth; clean slate -                                                       tabula rasa

minor work -                                                                         opuscule

minority, infancy, immaturity -                                                 nonage

mirror-image -                                                                       enantiomorph

miscellanous collection -                                                         olla podrida

mischief, piece of -                                                                 cantrip

misdemeanour, one who..-                                                     misdemeanant

miser -                                                                                   curmudgeon, flay-flint, hunks

miser -                                                                                   snudge

miserliness -                                                                           euclionism

mistake; oversight, neglect -                                                   misprision

mite-like -                                                                              acaroid

mix (clay) with water -                                                           blunge

mix (with foreign words) -                                                      interlard

mix in -                                                                                  interlard

mob-rule -                                                                             ochlocracy

mock, to -                                                                             fleer

modern, recent -                                                                    neoteric

modesty -                                                                              pudicity

modify, moderate -                                                                attemper

moist, wet -                                                                           slobbery

moisten -                                                                               humefy, leach

moisten & rub with lotion -                                                     embrocate

moisten, wet, soak; to stain -                                                  imbrue

momentous -                                                                          moliminous

monastery of lamas -                                                              lamasery

monastic -                                                                              monachal

money -                                                                                 spending

money-changing -                                                                  agio, agiotage

money-exchange -                                                                 bourse

money-making, of -                                                                chrematistic

monk (lives with others) -                                                       cenobite

monk without vows-                                                              beghard, beguin

monkey (organ-grinder’s) -                                                    vervet

monsters, producing -                                                            teratogenic

monstrance -                                                                          ostensory

monthly -                                                                               mensal

moon -                                                                                  parish lantern

moon (of the) -                                                                      selenic

moral force, weight -                                                              pondus

morpheme occuring only as part of word (e.g. plural ‘–s’)       bound

morsel (bread with soup) -                                                     sippet


mortgage (to) -                                                                      hypothecate

mosquito, germ-carry (rel.í)-                                                 anopheline

moss, like -                                                                            muscoid

mosses, science of -                                                               bryology

mother-of-pearl -                                                                   nacre

mouldy, musty -                                                                     mucid

mound (wood/earth) for protection-                                       agger

mound, cairn -                                                                       barp

mountain torrent, narrow -                                                      gill, ghyll

mountain-making -                                                                 orogenetic

mountainous, mountain-dwelling -                                           montane

mountains, beyond the -                                                         ultramontane

movable/ perishable/ unclaimed goods-                                   bona mobilia/ peritura/ vacantia

move -                                                                                   stir one’s stumps

move an inch -                                                                       stir one stray

move in slow trot on spot -                                                     piaffe

move rapidly, ramble over -                                                   skir

move sideways round a centre -                                             volt

move slowly -                                                                        drumble

move violently, excite -                                                           commove

movement of disturbed water -                                               bobble

movement, capable of -                                                          motile

moving -                                                                                pathetical

moving back -                                                                        retrocession

moving forward -                                                                   precession

moving like waves -                                                               undulatory

mug, tin, small -                                                                      pannikin

mug, wooden cup -                                                                noggin

multiply; transmit -                                                                  propagate

mumble; move listlessly -                                                        maunder

murder of one’s child -                                                           filicide

murder of one’s offspring -                                                     prolicide

muscle contract brow frown -                                                 corrugator

muscle, sinews -                                                                     thew

muscles, pert. to -                                                                  myoid

music, related to -                                                                  euterpean

music. instrument S.E. Asia -                                                  angklung

musical, full, clear (voice) -                                                     orotund

musket, light flint-lock -                                                          fusil

Muslim call to prayer -                                                           azan

Muslim princess/ lady of rank -                                               begum

mutilate -                                                                               mittle

mutually destructive -                                                             internecine

mutually obligatory -                                                               synallagmatic

my child (term endearment) -                                                  alannah

mystical interpretation -                                                          anagoge (ogy)

nail, claw, hoof, pert. to -                                                       ungual

naked -                                                                                  skyclad

name (to), mention -                                                               neven

name, give to -                                                                       betitle

naming parent from child -                                                      teknonymous

narcotic -                                                                               bhang

narrow ledge/path beside road -                                             berm

narrow lobes, cut into -                                                          laciniate(d)

narrow surgical knife -                                                            bistoury

narrow-beaked -                                                                   angustirostrate

narrowed;(abnormally)-                                                         stenosed;(stenotic)

narrow-minded; limited -                                                        borné

nasal hairs -                                                                           vibrissae

native (n.) -                                                                            indigene

natural consequence-                                                             consectary/corollary

nature, temperament, calibre -                                                kidney

nauseate -                                                                              scunner

neat, clean -                                                                           menseful

neat, spruce, trim -                                                                 trig

necessity -                                                                             ananke

necessity (a) -                                                                        sine qua non

neck, belonging to -                                                               cervical

necktie, thin, stringlike -                                                          bootlace tie

need -                                                                                    mister

needle-pointed -                                                                    acerose

needy, poor -                                                                         indigent

negatives, using -                                                                    apophatic

neighbour (East Anglia) -                                                        bor

neighbourhood -                                                                    purlieu, vicinage

nest -                                                                                     nidus

nest, building a -                                                                     nidification

net, snare -                                                                            toils (taken in the)

netted; netlike -                                                                      reticular

network (nerves, fibres) -                                                       plexus

next, nearest, closest -                                                            proximate

nickname -                                                                             sobriquet

night, heard at -                                                                      nyctophoniac

nightfall, happening at -                                                           acronychal

nightfall, occurring at -                                                            acronychal

nightingale -                                                                           rossignol

nightmare -                                                                            oneirodeinia

night-scene, picture of -                                                          nocturne

night-wandering -                                                                   noctivagant, -gous

nimble, brisk -                                                                        quiver

nobleman highest rank Sp/Port-                                              grandee

nod continually -                                                                    niddle-noddle

nod repeatedly -                                                                    noddle

nod; to call by a nod -                                                            beck

nodding; drooping -                                                               nutant

noisy (paltry) quarrel (& vb) -                                                brabble

noisy preacher, shouting orator (Mark 3.17) -                        Boanerges

noisy, troublesome; a row -                                                    bobbery

noisy, turbulent -                                                                    scambling

non-paying passenger etc. -                                                    dead-head

nonsense -                                                                             bosh, eyewash, flapdoodle

non-voter -                                                                            abstentionist

north -                                                                                   septentrion

northern (the extreme) -                                                         hyperborean

nose -                                                                                    boko

nose, of the -                                                                         rhinal

nosebleed -                                                                            epistaxis

nose-blowing, of -                                                                  emunctory

not risen (bread) -                                                                  clabby, cleaty, clidgy

not separable -                                                                       impartible

not to be made void -                                                             indefeasible

not to be violated -                                                                 infrangible

not yet able prey for itself (eyas)-                                           at hack

notched -                                                                               denticulate

note, marginal -                                                                      apostil(le)

notice, warning -                                                                    caveat

novice -                                                                                 green-horn, neophyte, tenderfoot, tryo

nullifying -                                                                              diriment

numb -                                                                                   dold

number subtracted from -                                                       minuend

number to be subtracted -                                                      subtrahend

nun without vows -                                                                 beguine

nurse-maid (Indian) -                                                             ayah

nut-bearing -                                                                          nuciferous

nutrition, pert. to -                                                                  trophic(al)

nymph (mountain) -                                                                oread

nymphomania, male equiv. -                                                   satyriasis

oaf, elf’s child -                                                                      auf

oats, relating to -                                                                    avenaceous

object of desire -                                                                   desideratum

oblique side/face of cut gem -                                                 bezel

obscure -                                                                               recondite

obsequious agreement -                                                         assentation

obstacle (fish stops ship) -                                                      remora

obstinacy -                                                                             pertinacity

obstinate silence -                                                                  obmutescence

obstinate, intractable -                                                            refractory, thrawn

obstinately holding opinion -                                                   pertinacious

obstruct -                                                                               stonewall

obstructing; heavy -                                                                cumbrous

obstructive -                                                                          impeditive

obtaining in stealthy manner -                                                  surreption

ocean dep, down to 4,000m -                                                bathypelagic

ocean depths, 200-2,000m -                                                  bathyal

odour of cooked food -                                                         nidor

offering -                                                                                oblation

offering (the thing offered) -                                                    offertory

officer in charge fences/enclos. -                                             hayward

official answer pope/emperor -                                               rescript

officiousness (stupid) -                                                           beadledom

offspring, without -                                                                 atokal, atokous

oil -                                                                                       black gold

oil lamp in coloured glass pot -                                               lampion

oily -                                                                                      oleaginous

old age -                                                                                senectitude

old woman -                                                                          carline, gammer

old, very -                                                                              beeswinged

old-timer -                                                                             sour dough

ominous -                                                                              black-boding

ominous -                                                                              bodeful

omission letter in writing -                                                       lipography

omission, passing over -                                                         preterition

omit -                                                                                    pretermit

omit, pass over -                                                                    elide

one after another -                                                                 seriatim

onion (small, delicate) -                                                          cibol

onion with garlic flavour -                                                       shallot

onion, shallot -                                                                       scallion

onlooker, gives unwanted advice-                                           kibitzer

open country -                                                                       weald

opening (a small) -                                                                 foramen

opening, hole -                                                                       aperture

opening, passage (esp. into mine) -                                         adit

openly -                                                                                 in the face of day

opponent; rebel -                                                                   aginner

oppose, resist -                                                                      gainstand, repugn

opposed -                                                                              contrariant, contrarious

opposite to, be (hyp. & r. ang) -                                             subtend

opposites, union of -                                                              antisyzygy

opposition -                                                                           oppugnancy

opposition, expressing -                                                         adversative

opprobrious; censorious -                                                      dyslogistic

oral (will) -                                                                             nuncupative

orange, bitter Seville -                                                            bigarade

orange-like citrus fruit -                                                          shaddock

orange-red, bright -                                                                nacarat

orange-shaped -                                                                    oblate

orange-yellow -                                                                     saffron

orange-yellow, deep -                                                            luteous

order/direct with urgency -                                                     enjoin

ordered confusion -                                                                imbroglio

ordinary -                                                                              common-or-garden

ordinary (day, opp. festival/fast) -                                           ferial

organ (small, portable) -                                                         regal

organism, drifting in ocean -                                                    plankton

organism, swimming in sea -                                                   nekton

original source -                                                                     fountain-head

ornament in low relief -                                                           anaglyph

ornament the edge of -                                                           purfle

ornamental clipping trees -                                                      topiary

ostentatious, done for show-                                                  epideictic(al)

ostrich, of/like -                                                                      struthious

otherness -                                                                             alterity

otter’s dung -                                                                         spraints

outbreak; exuberance -                                                          ebullition

outcast -                                                                                Ishmael, pariah

outdoor area for exterior scenes -                                           backlot

outgrowth, projection -                                                          excrescence

outlandish, foreign; migratory -                                               peregrine

outlaw, become an -                                                              take to the heather

out-of-breath -                                                                       blown

out-of-date person -                                                              back-number

outsider -                                                                               outlier

overcoat -                                                                              raglan, redingote

overcoat (long, close-fitting) -                                                 surtout

over-emphasis small details -                                                  micrology

over-fullness -                                                                        plethora

overlapping (like roof tiles) -                                                   imbricate

overlapping like tiles/scales -                                                  tegular

overlord’s right/privilege -                                                      seigniorage

over-precise person -                                                             precisian

over-refined -                                                                        alembicated

overseer (factory) -                                                                tenter

overstepping the mark -                                                         ultracrepidarian

overthrow; overturning -                                                         bouleversement

ownerless dog -                                                                     pye-dog

pacific, promoting peace -                                                      irenic

pack tightly -                                                                          steeve

pact between Church & State -                                              concordat

pain, grief -                                                                            dolour

pain, the sensation of -                                                           algesis

painting on ceiling/wall -                                                         tablature

pairs, growing in -                                                                  binate

pairs, not existing in -                                                             azygous

palanquin, Japanese -                                                             kago

palate, soft -                                                                          velum

palm of hand, sole of foot -                                                    thenar

palm/sole, of the -                                                                  volar

pamper, cosset, indulge -                                                       cosher, cocker

Pan-pipe -                                                                             syrinx

Pan-pipes, Andean -                                                              antara

pant -                                                                                    bussock, pank, thock, tift, waff

parallel, make; adjust line sight -                                             collimate

parapet, battlement -                                                              bartizan

parasite living inside host -                                                      entozoon

parrot -                                                                                  lory, lorikeet

parrot; fop -                                                                           popinjay

parrots, of/like -                                                                     psittacine

parry & riposte -                                                                    tac-au-tac

part of book issued instalments -                                            fascicle

parting gift to guest -                                                              xenium

parting-cup -                                                                          doch-an-doris, stirrup-cup

partridge -                                                                             francolin

passage (between walls) -                                                      slype

passenger holding strap -                                                        strap-hanger

passions, appealing to -                                                          declamatory

passive resistance -                                                                satyagraha

passport, edict (Oriental ruler’s) -                                           firman

past flowering -                                                                      deflorate

pat gently under the chin -                                                      chuck

patriotic, noisy rejoicings -                                                      mafficking

patron of art/literature -                                                          Maecenas

pavement artist -                                                                    screever

pay out -                                                                                disburse

pay the penalty for -                                                               aby, expiate

peace proposal -                                                                    eirenicon

peacock, of -                                                                         pavonine

pear: of delicate flavour & texture-                                         beurré

peasant -                                                                               muzhik

peasant -                                                                               raiyat, ryot

peasant (rich); exploiter -                                                       kulak

pea-shaped -                                                                         pisiform

peat, place where is dug -                                                      turbary

pedlar -                                                                                 colporteur, huckster

peep, to -                                                                              keek

peevish -                                                                                fractious

peevish; melancholy -                                                             splenetic

peg, bung (small, pointed) -                                                    spigot

pen for fish, lobsters etc. -                                                      crawl

people difficult to manage -                                                    kittle cattle

people, the (pejor.) -                                                              demos

perching -                                                                              insessorial

perfect -                                                                                unexceptionable

period of 5 years -                                                                 lustrum

periodical -                                                                            etesian

perjury -                                                                                hard swearing

permanent, everlasting -                                                         perdurable

perplexing, puzzling -                                                              quisquous

persecution by military -                                                         dragonnade

person hard to shake off -                                                      burr

person with loathsome disease -                                             lazar

person/thing of same nature -                                                  congener

personal appearance -                                                            cut of one’s jib

perspiration, promoting -                                                        diaphoretic

perspire -                                                                               transude

pestilence -                                                                            murrain

petitioner; candidate (holy ord)-                                             postulant

pet-name -                                                                             hypocorism

petrify -                                                                                 lapidify

petrifying -                                                                             lapidescent

petulance, impudence -                                                          procacity

petulant -                                                                               pettish

pheasant’s nest/brood -                                                          nid, nide

physical force -                                                                      mailed fist

pickpocket’s confederate -                                                    stall

piece of black basalt, sacred to Muslims -                              Black Stone

piece, slice, cut off -                                                               cantle

pierce -                                                                                  tame, thrull

pies, pastry -                                                                          bakemeat (Bibl.)

pigeon -                                                                                 turbit

pigeon-toed -                                                                         keb-footed, pumble-footed, twang-toed,

pilfer -                                                                                   pick & steal

pilgrim’s pouch, small bag -                                                    scrip

pillow-case -                                                                          (pillow-)bere

pimple -                                                                                 whelk

pimply -                                                                                 papular, papulose, -ous

pin in 2 holes -                                                                       dowel

pine (to), languish -                                                                dwine

pink, bright -                                                                          cyclamen

pipe (thin strip wood for lighting) -                                          spill

pirate/brigand, to play the -                                                    picaroon

pirates’ flag; large drinking jug -                                              blackjack

pistol -                                                                                   barking iron

pistol, large, horse-soldiers -                                                  petronel

pitch into trough of sea -                                                         s(c)end

pitcher-shaped -                                                                    arytenoid

pith; marrow -                                                                        medulla

pith-tree -                                                                              ambatch

pitiless -                                                                                 dispiteous, impiteous

pitted -                                                                                  foveal, foveate

pitted, furrowed -                                                                   scrobiculate

pity, sorrow, remorse -                                                          ruth

place of light and plenty -                                                       Goshen

place struck by lightning -                                                       bidental

place where, grammatical case denoting -                               adessive

plant eats decaying matter-                                                     saprophyte

plant grows in rocky places -                                                  stonecrop

plant of the dead -                                                                  asphodel

plant, purple-flowered -                                                         salsify

plaster, to -                                                                            parge(t)

plate (communion) -                                                               paten

plate, thin, of bone -                                                               lamella

plate-shaped, not imbricated -                                                placoid

play (to) -                                                                              lake

play by plucking string -                                                         pizzicate

playing a game with the intent to lose -                                    play booty

playwright -                                                                           dramaturge

pleasure, pursuit of -                                                              primrose path

plebeian -                                                                              roturier

plighting of troth -                                                                   affiance

plonk, cheap wine -                                                               bombo

plough, primitive -                                                                  ard

ploughed land, rel. to -                                                           arval

pluck out -                                                                             evulse

plucking (fitful) bed-clothes -                                                  carphology

plucking bed-cloth delirium -                                                  floccillation

plug (for muzzle of gun) -                                                        tampion

plump, buxom -                                                                     sonsy

plump, smack, suddenly -                                                       souse

plumpness, stoutness -                                                           embonpoint

plunderer -                                                                             piller

ply with alcohol -                                                                   lush

poacher (of fish by night) -                                                     black-fisher

pocket (in skirt) -                                                                   placket

pock-mark -                                                                          variole

poet; Persian nightingale -                                                       bulbul

point of orbit farthest from sun -                                             aphelion

point of orbit nearest to sun -                                                  perihelion

pointing backwards -                                                             retrorse, retroverse

pointing in every direction -                                                    quaquaversal

pointing inwards (opp. salient) -                                              reentrant

poison -                                                                                 aconite, aconitum, mithridate

poison (for arrows) -                                                              upas

poison, acting v. -                                                                  alexipharmic

poisoning (adj.) -                                                                   veneficial

poisonous exhalation -                                                            mephitis

poisonous, foul -                                                                    virose

pole, rod -                                                                             stang

polish, to; to flatten (out) -                                                      planish

polymath -                                                                             polyhistor

pompous -                                                                             bombastic, grandiloquent, magniloquent

pompous and portly -                                                             aldermanly

pool -                                                                                    hollan, stell

pool, stream fresh water -                                                      freshet

poor (condition, quality) -                                                       unthende, unwraste

poor expression -                                                                   acataphasia

poor, hard land -                                                                    scaup

poplar-tree, white -                                                                abele

poppies, pert. to -                                                                  rhoeadic

poppy colour -                                                                       ponceau

popular, pert. to the people -                                                  demotic

portend -                                                                               foretoken

possessions -                                                                         aver

possible in co-existence -                                                       compossible

posterior -                                                                             posticous

pot, small -                                                                            pipkin

pot, small, for ointments -                                                       gallipot

pot/mug -                                                                               nog

pot-bellied -                                                                           abdominous

pour through/over -                                                                perfuse

pout, grimace of discontent -                                                  moue

pouting lips -                                                                          beesting lips

pouting, sulking -                                                                    bouderie

powerful, more so than others -                                              prepotent

powers of evil -                                                                      devil & his dam

praise, to -                                                                             cry up

praise -                                                                                  lof

praise highly -                                                                        belaud

prance -                                                                                 jaunce

prayer -                                                                                 orison

preach tediously -                                                                  preachify

preach, to -                                                                            apostolise

preacher; preaching -                                                             predicant

pre-animal life -                                                                      azoic

preceding, anticipatory -                                                         prevenient

precision, with -                                                                     by rule and line

predatory -                                                                            predacious, raptorial

predestined -                                                                         supralapsarian

predetermine -                                                                       foreordain

pre-eminent -                                                                         palmary, -marian

preliminary performance -                                                      prolusion

premeditated (malice) -                                                          prepense

presage, foretelling -                                                               prognostic

present day, of the -                                                               hodiernal

pressed shoulder to shoulder -                                                serried

pressing, urging -                                                                    exigent

prestigious, of high value -                                                      blue-chip

pretentious nonsense -                                                            bunkum

prevent, preclude -                                                                 foreclose

preventing disease -                                                               prophylactic

preventing straight course(wind)-                                            baffling

price of, to fix/stabilise -                                                         valorise

prickle, thorn; sting -                                                              aculeus

prickly -                                                                                 acanaceous, acanthaceous

prickly, possessing spines -                                                    jaculiferous

prickly; pointed; stinging -                                                      aculeate

pride -                                                                                   orgulity

priestly -                                                                                hieratic

priestly -                                                                                sacerdotal

prime, highest point -                                                              meridian

prison van -                                                                           Black Maria

prison, a jail -                                                                         calaboose

probably; perhaps -                                                               belike

proclaim, publish abroad -                                                      promulgate

proclaim, spread abroad -                                                      blaze

produces young in living state-                                                viviparous

producing offspring in twos -                                                  biparous

profit, gain -                                                                           grist

profit-seeker (& nichts else) -                                                 quaestuary

prolapse, drooping of eyelid -                                                 ptosis

prolonged -                                                                            prolixious

promise not yet accepted -                                                     pollicitation

prompter -                                                                             book-holder

promptly -                                                                             derfly, hendly

prong of fork, deer’s antler -                                                  tine

pronunciation r like l -                                                            lallation

pronunciation, bad -                                                               cacoepy

pronunciation, faulty, of l -                                                      lambdacism

prop, support -                                                                      undersetter (Bibl.)

property falling to state -                                                        escheat

prophesy -                                                                             vaticinate

prophetic -                                                                             vatic

prophetic power, gifted with -                                                fatidical

propitiatory gift -                                                                    sop

propriety -                                                                             convenance

prosper -                                                                               gang gradely

prostitute -                                                                             demi-mondaine, demi-rep

protecting -                                                                            tutelary

protection -                                                                            grith

protrude -                                                                              exsert

protruding (lower jaw) -                                                         underhung

proud -                                                                                  orgulous

proud of one’s wealth -                                                          purse-proud

Provençal thick, spiced soup, fish, & vegetables -                   bouillabaisse

provicinalism -                                                                       patavinity

proximity, similarity -                                                              propinquity

prudish -                                                                                pudibund

psychoanalsyis, one undergoin-                                              analysand

public walk, esp. btwn poplars -                                             alameda

publicly approve appointm. of -                                              preconise

puckering, gathering -                                                             shir(r)

puffed out, bulging, full -                                                         bouffant

pull apart -                                                                             divellicate

pull, haul, tear -                                                                      touse

pulpy -                                                                                   pultaceous

pulsation, absence of -                                                           acrotism

pulsatory -                                                                             systaltic

pulse -                                                                                   sphygmus

pulverise -                                                                              comminute

pun -                                                                                     paronomasia

pun, equivoc. expression -                                                      equivoque

punished, be -                                                                        get one’s gruel

punning -                                                                               bisociative

punt, to; punting pole -                                                           quant

pure fire/light, pert. to -                                                          empyreal

purgation -                                                                             abstersion

purgative, cleansing -                                                              cathartic(al)

purgative; a laxative -                                                             aperient, black draught

purify -                                                                                  depurate

purify by sacrifice -                                                                lustrate

purifying (the act of) -                                                             epuration

puritan; Nova Scotian -                                                          bluenose; Bluenose

purloin -                                                                                 snaffle

purple (& turning towar. sun)-                                                heliotrope

purple, dark -                                                                        damson

purple, deep -                                                                        modena, tyrian

purplish-red -                                                                         solferino

purulent inflammation -                                                           phlegmon

put to flight -                                                                          fleme

putrefaction -                                                                         sepsis

putrid; barren, empty -                                                           addle

quack -                                                                                  medicaster

quack medicine -                                                                   nostrum

quaking -                                                                               trepid

quality, habit -                                                                        tatch

quantity lost by decrease -                                                      decrement

quarrelous, trouble-stirring -                                                   barratrous

queasy & parched after drunk. -                                             chippy

queenly -                                                                               reginal

quench -                                                                                sloken

question formally -                                                                 interpellate

questioner -                                                                           querist

quickly -                                                                                belive

quick-sighted -                                                                       bird-eyed

quiet tributary/backwater -                                                     bogan

quiet, to make -                                                                     bestill

quieted -                                                                                taced

quieting nervous excitement -                                                  nervine

quintessence -                                                                        pith & marrow

r, excessive use of -                                                               rhotacism

r, the letter -                                                                           dog’s letter

rabble, hoi polloi -                                                                  groundlings, great unwashed

radiant -                                                                                 beamist

radiant energy is measured by a -                                           bolometer

radiating in every direction -                                                   panthodic

ragout of chicken or veal in a white sauce -                             blanquette

raid (by N. African Moors) -                                                  razzia

raid, hostile attack -                                                               bodrag

rain in small drops -                                                                mizzle

rain, fine, from cloudless sky -                                                serein

rain-gutter on roof -                                                               roan, rone

rain-squall -                                                                           scat

raise, set upright; pricked up (ears)-                                       arrect

raised streak left by stripe -                                                    wale, weal

raised way inside parapet -                                                     banquette

raising, lifting up -                                                                   attollent

rake (v – gunfire); vista -                                                        enfilade

rake, libertine -                                                                      Lothario

rake, profligate -                                                                    losel

rake, profligate, debauchee -                                                  roué

rampart -                                                                               rampire

rampart felled trees, branches outw-                                       abatis

rank-smelling -                                                                       olid, rammish

rapid (in a river) -                                                                   sault

rapidity -                                                                                celerity

rascal -                                                                                  badmash, losel, lurdan, spalpeen

rash; impetuous -                                                                   ramstam

ratify -                                                                                   homologate

raucous -                                                                               rauque

ravine; glutton; swallow greedily -                                           gulch

ravine; valley -                                                                       kloof; clough

reached -                                                                               raught

reactionary -                                                                          obscurant

read, unwilling to -                                                                 aliterate

reading between the lines -                                                     subaudition

reading, a -                                                                            lection

reading-desk, raised; early pulpit -                                          ambo

ready; to dress, prepare, get ready -                                       boun, bowne

real/concrete, to make -                                                         reify

rear on the hind legs -                                                             ramp

rear, at the -                                                                           retral

rebuke, reproof -                                                                   jobation

rebuke, reprove -                                                                   jobe

recantation -                                                                          palinode

reception -                                                                             accoil

recipient -                                                                              donee, donatory

reckless, flighty, rash -                                                            harum-scarum

reckless, rash -                                                                      temerarious

reclaim for agric. by grubbing -                                               assart

reclaim from the sea -                                                             impolder

reclaimed wasteland -                                                            thwaite

reclining (on the ground) -                                                      decumbent

reclining on couch-                                                                 accumbent(accubation)

recoil, spring back® shape -                                                 resile

recollection (prev. existence) -                                                anamnesis

reconcile/unify, tending to -                                                     henotic

recreant -                                                                               recrayed

recur, break out afresh -                                                         recrudesce

recur, sprout again -                                                               repullulate

red and inflamed -                                                                  erythematous

red cap of liberty of the French Revolution -                           bonnet-rouge

red cooking apple -                                                                biffin

red, deep -                                                                            sang-de-boeuf

red, light and clear shade -                                                     cerise

reddening -                                                                            rubefacient

reddening -                                                                            rubescent

reddish -                                                                                rufescent, rufous

reddish-brown -                                                                     rufous, sorrel

reduce, abate; dull, blunt -                                                      rebate

reduction of a legacy -                                                            abatement

redundancy (of words) -                                                        pleonasm

redundant expression -                                                           pleonasm

redwater (cattle infection) -                                                    babesiosis

reed, of/like a -                                                                      arundinaceous

reedy, feeble, screechy, thin -                                                 scrannel

reef of rock -                                                                         skerry

refractive -                                                                             anaclastic

refractory -                                                                            balky

refractory -                                                                            recalcitrant, recusant

refrain (of song) -                                                                   fading

refuse (cast up by sea) -                                                         rejectamenta

refuse from wine-making -                                                      marc

refuse heap -                                                                          laystall

refuse to go on (horse) -                                                         jib

refuse to go on (horse, person) -                                            jib

refuse, anything vile -                                                              offscouring

refused/rejected, not to be -                                                   irrecusable

reiterate -                                                                               ingeminate

reject (with disdain) -                                                             scout

reject with loathing -                                                               cast the gorge at

reject, to -                                                                             athetise

rejection of passage of text -                                                  athetesis

rekindle -                                                                               relume

related (mother’s side) -                                                         cognate

related (on mother’s side) -                                                    enate

relation, esp. by marriage -                                                     affine

relationship by blood -                                                           consanguinity

relationship by marriage -                                                       affinity

relieving flatulence -                                                                carminative

religious, morbidly so -                                                           religiose

relinquishment -                                                                      demission

remain -                                                                                 leng

remain, wait -                                                                         hove

remaining; remainder -                                                            remanent

remedy specially devised -                                                     magistral

remind of a fault -                                                                   twit

remorse -                                                                               ayenbite

removal fluid through suction -                                                aspiration

removing hair -                                                                       depilatory

render unfit for consumption -                                                 denature

render watertight -                                                                 caulk

rendering null & void -                                                           defeasance

renew, restore to wholeness -                                                 redintegrate

renovated (B.) -                                                                     swept & garnished

rent, most severe -                                                                 rack-rent

repair/make casks/tubs -                                                        cooper

repast, a lunch -                                                                     collation

repeat rapidly, mechanically -                                                 patter

repeating question word/word -                                              echolalia

repellent -                                                                              rebarbative

repentant; remorseful -                                                           compunctious

repetition -                                                                             iteration

repetition of same sound -                                                      tautophony

repetition, meaningless -                                                         verbigeration

reply; replace -                                                                      repone

representation, performance-                                                  presentment

reprimand -                                                                            jobation

reproach -                                                                             hete

request, of the nature of -                                                       precatory

reservation, saving clause -                                                     salvo

resounding, reechoing -                                                          reboant

resounding, sonorous -                                                           plangent

restless tossing in illness -                                                       jactitation

restorative -                                                                           analeptic

Resurrection -                                                                        anastasis

retaliation -                                                                            retortion

retch -                                                                                   keck, heave the gorge

retreat, fortified inner -                                                           reduit

retreat, signal for (drum/trump) -                                             chamade

retrogressive evolution -                                                         katagenesis

reveal -                                                                                  disbosom

reverie (gloomy) -                                                                  brown study

revival, refreshment -                                                              refocillation

revocation of grant -                                                               ademption

revolutionary outbreak -                                                         putsch

reward -                                                                                warison

ribs (of) -                                                                               costal


rich, shellfish soup; unglazed white porcelain -                         bisque

ridge of mown grass/corn -                                                     swath

riding horse, the art of -                                                          equitation

riding-whip -                                                                          quirt

riff-raff -                                                                                ragtag and bobtail

rigid, growing -                                                                      rigescent

rigorously just & severe -                                                       rhadamanthine

ring colour. feathers round neck-                                            torquate

ring, in almost complete -                                                       penannular

ringleader -                                                                            bell-wether

ring-shaped -                                                                         annular

riotously merry -                                                                    Saturnalian

rip open -                                                                              unrip

ripple, slight wave -                                                                crispation

ripple, undulate, to -                                                               wimple

rising (from the sea) -                                                             assurgent

rising; aggressive -                                                                  assurgent

river- & canal-clogging plant -                                                anacharis

river bank, pert. to -                                                               riparian

river branch, not return main-                                                 distributary

river, dwelling near/in a -                                                        riverine

river, of a -                                                                            fluvial, riverain

river-fish/huge/S Am.-                                                            arapaima, pirarucu

rivers (of) -                                                                            fluvial, potamic

rivers/sea, can live in both -                                                    fluviomarine

rob, steal; scrounge -                                                             blag

robber (Highland) -                                                                cateran

robber, pirate -                                                                      ladrone

robbery, rapine -                                                                    ravin

robe reaching the ankles -                                                      talar

robe, gown, surplice -                                                            stole

rock-dwelling -                                                                      saxatile, saxicoline/-lous

rock-peak projecting over ice -                                              nunatak

rocky -                                                                                  petrous

rodent, stout & burrowing -                                                    marmot

roll together/up -                                                                    convolve

roofless, open to the sky -                                                      hypethral

room next to roof -                                                                cockloft

root, source -                                                                         radix

rope-walker, acrobat -                                                           equilibrist

rose-fancier -                                                                         rosarian

roselike -                                                                               roseal

rosette, in a -                                                                         rosulate

rose-window; rosette -                                                           rosace

rostrum (Athenian orators) -                                                   bema

rosy rash; rubella -                                                                 roseola

rosy; fresh & beautiful -                                                          auroral, -rean

rosy; rose-scented -                                                               roseate

rough with short hairs -                                                           asperous

rough, harsh -                                                                        asper

rough, scaly, hairy -                                                                squarrose

rough, uncut edge -                                                                deckle-edge

roughen -                                                                               asperate

roundabout phrase -                                                               circumlocution

roundabout ways; windings -                                                  ambages

roundness -                                                                            rondure

rouse suddenly (birds) -                                                         flush

row, disturbance -                                                                  shindy

rows (in) -                                                                             seriate

rows, not in -                                                                         astichous

royal -                                                                                   basilical

royal court, pert. to -                                                              aulic

royal privileges, having -                                                         palatine

royal, appointed by the crown -                                              regius

rub/grind to fine powder -                                                      triturate

ruddy -                                                                                  high-coloured, rubicund, rubric

rudimentary -                                                                         abecedarian

ruffian -                                                                                  bashi-bazouk

rugged (coast) -                                                                     iron-bound

ruin, destroy -                                                                        banjax

ruler, feudal lord -                                                                  suzerain

ruling, supreme -                                                                    hegemonic

ruminant, third stomach -                                                        bible

rung (of ladder) -                                                                   stap, stavver, stee-spell

running, adapted for -                                                             cursorial

running/extending downward -                                                decurrent

rural economy -                                                                     agronomy

rural, attached to the land -                                                     predial

rural, uncouth -                                                                      agrestic

rush, rapid movement -                                                          tantivy

Russian hood with long ends -                                                bashlik

rust-coloured -                                                                       ferruginous, rubiginous

rustic -                                                                                   bucolic

rustic, agricultural -                                                                 georgic

rustic, boorish -                                                                      borrel

rustle, whisper -                                                                     susurrate

rye-beer (Russian) -                                                               kvass

sacred enclosure-                                                                   adytum, sekos, temenos

sacrifice -                                                                               immolation

sacrifice (great) -                                                                    hecatomb

sad -                                                                                      tristful

sadden, to -                                                                           attrist

saddle-shaped -                                                                     selliform

saffron-coloured -                                                                  croceate

sailing-vessel, light -                                                               caravel

sailor -                                                                                   matlow

sailor’s bag/box odds/ends-                                                   ditty-bag/box

saintliness -                                                                            sanctitude

saliva, sth. that stimulates -                                                     sialogogue

salmon, young -                                                                     samlet

salmon-spear; to spear with... -                                              leister

saltish; between salt and fresh -                                              brackish

salvation, pert. to -                                                                 soterial

same mother, different father -                                                uterine

same origin/nature, of the -                                                     congeneric

sandal, a light -                                                                       alpargata

sand-binding shore grass -                                                      marram

sand-loving -                                                                          ammophilous

sand-wall, defence desert warfare -                                        berm

sandy -                                                                                  arenaceous

sandy; gritty (secretions) -                                                      sabulous

sate, dull the appetite -                                                           disedge

satirise; a satire -                                                                    lampoon, pasquinade

saucy, imprudent -                                                                 malapert

sausage-shaped -                                                                   allantoid

savage -                                                                                 ferine

savoury -                                                                               sapid

saw for cutting along the grain -                                              ripsaw

scale off -                                                                              desquamate

scales, overlapping -                                                              laminate(d)

scalp disease -                                                                       porrigo

scaly -                                                                                   squamose, squamous

scanty; diminutive -                                                                exiguous

scarecrow -                                                                           flay-boggle

science of lying -                                                                    pseudology

science of quantity/dosage -                                                   posology

science of soils -                                                                    pedology

scimitar-shaped -                                                                   acinaciform

scissor-shaped -                                                                    forficate

scold, shrew -                                                                        beldame, virago

scold, shrew; quarrelsome -                                                   termagant

scope -                                                                                  ambit

scope, range -                                                                        purview

scorch, toast -                                                                        birsle

Scotsman -                                                                            blue-bonnet

scoundrel -                                                                            blackguard, varlet

scowl (to) -                                                                            lour

scraping-instrument (surgeon’s) -                                            curette

scraps of food -                                                                     scran

scratch with grating sound -                                                    gride

scratching around for food -                                                   rasorial

scream shrilly -                                                                       skirl

scroll -                                                                                   torsel

scrurfy, thin, dry, stiff -                                                           scarious

scuffle, brawl -                                                                       bagarre

scurf, dandruff -                                                                     furfur

scurfy -                                                                                  furfuraceous

scurry, to -                                                                             scutter

scythe, tool to sharpen -                                                         strickle

sea & land -                                                                           flood & field

sea, beyond the -                                                                   ultramarine

sea, deep, pert. to -                                                               pelagian

sea, open, pert. to -                                                               pelagic

sea, pert. to -                                                                         thalassic

sea-bird, predatory -                                                              skua

sea-bottom, flora & fauna -                                                    benthos

sea-bottom, living on-                                                            benthonic, benthoal

sea-green -                                                                            glaucous

seals & signets, study of -                                                       sphragistics

sea-shore, near the -                                                              sublittoral

seaside marshland -                                                                maremma

season, to -                                                                            condiment

seat behind coach for servants -                                             rumble

seaweed -                                                                              kelp, varec, vraic

seaweed, edible -                                                                   arame

secluded -                                                                              claustral, cloisteral

secluded apartments (Indian women) -                                   zenana

second-rate imitator/follower -                                               epigone

secrecy -                                                                               hugger-mugger

secret tribunal -                                                                      vehmgericht

secret, underhand -                                                                hole-&-corner

seeing error of one’s ways -                                                   resipiscence

seek -                                                                                    lait

seeker -                                                                                 questant, questrist

seesaw -                                                                                bascule

seize -                                                                                    fang

seize a debtor’s goods -                                                         distrain

seize, distrain -                                                                       poind

selective breeding -                                                                stirpiculture

self-devouring -                                                                      autophagous

self-evident -                                                                          axiomatic

self-important little man -                                                        cockalorum

self-important person -                                                           mugwump

self-indulgent-                                                                        apolaustic

self-luminous -                                                                       autophanous

self-origination -                                                                     aseity

self-seeker -                                                                          arriviste, parvenu

self-sufficiency -                                                                     autarky

self-sufficient -                                                                       autarkic(al)

self-taught person -                                                                autodidact

self-worship -                                                                        autolatry

sellable -                                                                                vendible

semblance, image -                                                                simulacrum

semblance, likeness -                                                             similitude

sending away -                                                                       dimissory

senile -                                                                                   doited

sennet -                                                                                 tucket

sent, that may be -                                                                 missive

sentimental -                                                                          rose-water

separate ways, go -                                                                dispart

separating -                                                                            disjunctive

separation -                                                                           disjunction

sequence -                                                                             consecution

serpent-like -                                                                         ophidian

serpent-lizard -                                                                      seps, skink

servant girl -                                                                           tweeny

serve (to) -                                                                            famulate

set free -                                                                                manumit

set with jewels -                                                                     enchase

setting (sun) -                                                                         westering

settle on a series of heirs -                                                      entail

settle, arrange beforehand -                                                    preconcert

sever, pull apart -                                                                   discerp

severable -                                                                             discerptible

sewing up of wound -                                                             suture

sexual inactivity, period of -                                                    anoestrus

sexual intercourse -                                                                coition

shackle (to), hamper -                                                            trammel

shade against sun, on front women’s hats Middle Ages -         bongrace

shade, affording -                                                                   umbriferous

shady -                                                                                  umbral, umbrageous, umbrose

shady; tipsy -                                                                         bosky

shaggy, unkempt -                                                                  tousy

shake hands -                                                                        tip us your fin

shake, wobble -                                                                     shoggle

shaking -                                                                                succussion

shaking like jelly -                                                                  tremellose

shallow (adj.) -                                                                      shoal

sham, in false taste -                                                               pinchbeck

shame, modesty -                                                                   aidos

shameless, lewd -                                                                   ithyphallic

shanty town (French-speaking)-                                             bidonville

shape roughly (in stone-cutting) -                                            boast

shape, of ever-changing -                                                       amoebiform

shared knowledge of sth. private -                                          privity

shark, pert. to -                                                                      squaloid

shark-mouthed -                                                                    hypostomatous

sharp point, having a -                                                            cuspidate(d)

sharp, shrewd; shrill (sound) -                                                argute

sharpen, to (razor) -                                                               strop

sharpen, to; tapering -                                                            acuminate

sharper -                                                                                thimble-rigger

sharp-pointed, needle-shaped -                                              acicular

sharp-sighted -                                                                       gimlet-eyed, lynx-eyed

shed (an old covering) -                                                         exuviate

shed/come off in flakes -                                                        exfoliate

sheep in 2nd year -                                                                  teg

sheep, to mark red -                                                              raddle, reddle, ruddle

sheep, yearling, not yet shorn -                                               hoggerel

sheep-like -                                                                           ovine

shellfish -                                                                               wentletrap

shelter (to take) -                                                                   hve

shelter; protection -                                                                bield

shield (small, round) -                                                             targe

shield, central boss of -                                                          umbo

shield-/kidney-shaped -                                                          aspidioid

shield-shaped -                                                                      scutiform, thyroid

shimmering -                                                                          opalescent

shimmering, rainbow-coloured-                                              iridescent

shine of long-polished furniture -                                             patina

shining, bright, lustrous -                                                         lulcent, nitid, relucent

shining; bright -                                                                      lucent

ship (mediae, swift, war) -                                                      dromond

ship too old for action, but useful in port defence -                  blockship

ship, small, 3-masted, pirate, Med.-                                       xebec

ship’s biscuit -                                                                        hardtack

ship’s small boat -                                                                  jollyboat

shirk -                                                                                    scrimshank

shirk hard work, malinger -                                                    mike

shirker, idler -                                                                        slacker

shiver with cold; chirp -                                                          chitter

shoemaker -                                                                          cordwainer

shoemaker -                                                                          souter

shoot (young), sucker -                                                          turion

shooting (pain) -                                                                     lancinating

shooting, death by -                                                               fusillation

short and fat -                                                                        spuddy

short and squat -                                                                    pyknic

short and stocky -                                                                  amplosomic

shorten (sail) -                                                                        scantle

shortened, reduced -                                                              curtate

shortest line btw. A & B -                                                      geodesic,-etic

short-winded, fat & short -                                                     pursy

shoulder, pert. to -                                                                 humeral

shoulder-cape (women, judges) -                                           tippet

shout -                                                                                   vociferate

show/display, done for -                                                         epideictic

showing the back -                                                                 tergant

showy but worthless -                                                            brummagem

showy, trumpery -                                                                  gimcrack

shreds, pieces -                                                                      mammocks

shrew, old vixen -                                                                  harridan

shrewlike -                                                                             soricine

shriek, to (bagpipes) -                                                            skirl

shrill; keen; shrewd -                                                              argute

shrine for relics of saints -                                                       feretory

shroud -                                                                                 cerement

shrub-like -                                                                            fruticose

shudder (to), feel horror -                                                       grue

shun, abstain from -                                                                eschew

shy, nervous; frisky; wanton -                                                 skittish

sickly-sweet -                                                                        saccharine

sickness -                                                                              mesel

sickness (excessive drinking) -                                                crapulence

side-slip -                                                                              skid

sieve-like, with small holes -                                                   cribriform

sift through coarse cloth; examine by sifting -                           boult

sigh, to -                                                                                suspire

sight, impaired -                                                                     amblyopia

sign with initials, to -                                                               paraph

Sikh ‘Lord’s Prayer’ -                                                           Ardas

silently break wind -                                                               foist

silk, heavy, interwoven gold -                                                 samite

silk, thin, used for veils -                                                         tulle

silken -                                                                                  seric

silkworm, pert. to -                                                                bombic

silky, soft & shiny -                                                                sericeous

silly, affected smile -                                                               simper

simple style of country music (Kentucky) -                              bluegrass

simple, honest -                                                                      aefald (onefold)

simpleton -                                                                             gaby

sincere; out and out                                                                heart-whole

singer, female -                                                                      chanteuse, cantatrice

sinning; disease-producing -                                                   peccant

sisterly -                                                                                 sororal

sitting upright on haunches (Her.) -                                         sejant

situated, beset (ill, hard..) -                                                     bestead

sketch the outline of -                                                             adumbrate

skilful, dextrous -                                                                   habile

skin (outermost) -                                                                  cuticle, epidermis

skin (true) -                                                                            cutis

skin eruption in infants -                                                          milk-crust

skin, done through the -                                                          percutaneous

skin, husk, rind -                                                                    integument

skin, pert. to -                                                                        dermal

skin, under -                                                                          hypodermic, subcutaneous

skinned -                                                                               flain

skinny -                                                                                 lathy

skin-scraper for bath -                                                           strigil

skirmish -                                                                               velitation

skirt-pocket -                                                                        placket

skull -                                                                                    brain-pan

skull cap (R.C.) -                                                                   zuccheta

sky -                                                                                      welkin

sky small white fleecy clouds-                                                 mackerel s.

sky-blue -                                                                              celeste

sky-blue; dark-blue; sea-green -                                            cerulean

slacken, let out (rope) -                                                          veer

slander (to) -                                                                          calumniate

slanting -                                                                                bevel

slap, to -                                                                                skelp

slaughter by severing spinal cord -                                          pith

sledge, covered; felt tent -                                                      kibitka

sleep, talking in -                                                                    somniloquence

sleep-inducing -                                                                     opiate

sleepiness -                                                                            somnolence

sleeve (wider arm-hole th. wrist)-                                           dolman

sleeve, wide armhole, tight wrist-                                            batwing

sleight of hand -                                                                     legerdemain

sleight of hand -                                                                     prestidigitation

slender, lithe, lissom -                                                             svelte

slender; gracefully slight -                                                       gracile

slenderness; subtlety -                                                            exility

slender-waisted -                                                                   wasp-waisted

slide down -                                                                           glissade

slimy, gluey -                                                                          limous

slip, slide in all directions -                                                      slidder

slipper, Oriental, heelless -                                                     babouche

slipshod -                                                                               sloven

slit leather strap for corp. pun. -                                              taws(e)

slob -                                                                                     slubberdegullion

slope (downward) -                                                               declivity

slope (to) inwards towards top -                                            flanch

slope (upward) -                                                                    acclivity

sloped cutting edge (of chisel) -                                              bezel

slopes, instrument to measure -                                               clinometer

sloping in opposite directions -                                               anticlinal

sloth-addict -                                                                         lotus-eater

slow and dignified -                                                                largo

slow-moving -                                                                        tardigrade

sluggish -                                                                               lymphatic

sluggishness -                                                                         lentitude

sly, shrewd -                                                                          pawky

small -                                                                                   minikin

small -                                                                                   tantony (bell, pig)

small act of work -                                                                 hand’s turn

small and elegant -                                                                 bijou

small yellow circle (Heraldry) -                                               bezant

smallpox -                                                                              variola

smarten, spruce o.s. up -                                                        prink

smash -                                                                                  frush

smell, loss of sense of -                                                          anosmia

smelling of dirty water -                                                          bilgy

smiling, cheerful -                                                                   riant

smoky, dirty -                                                                        reechy

smooth, grind to fine powder -                                               levigate

snack between meals -                                                           bever

snake, 2-headed, fabulous -                                                   amphisbaena

snake, deadly (Bengal) -                                                        krait

snakelike (harmless genus) -                                                   colubrine

snakeline -                                                                             anguine

snap (fingers) -                                                                       thrip

snap, break with snap -                                                          knap

snare with a spring-noose -                                                    springe

snare, trap; to snare -                                                             gin

snarl, growl -                                                                         gnar

sneezing -                                                                              sternutation

snore (to) -                                                                            rout

snoring -                                                                                rhonchisonant, stertorous

snoring sound, with a -                                                           stertorous

snowy -                                                                                 nival

soak, spoil by soaking -                                                         ret, rate, rait

soapy -                                                                                  saponaceous

sociable -                                                                               gregarious

Socratic method -                                                                  maieutics

soft -                                                                                     nesh

soft, morbidly -                                                                      malacotic

soften effect colour by thin coat-                                             scumble

softening -                                                                              emollient

software with more facilities than most users need -                 bloatware

soil, sully, stain -                                                                     smirch, smutch

soils, esp. affect agric, study of -                                             agrology

soldier -                                                                                 food for powder

soldier, light-armed -                                                              velite

solidification by freezing -                                                       gelation

solidungulate animal -                                                             soliped

something rare or non-existent -                                             black swan

song -                                                                                    leden

songbird, Indian -                                                                   avadavat, amadavat

soothing -                                                                              anetic, balsamic, demulcent

soothing, lessening pain -                                                        paregoric

soothing; mitigating; laxative -                                                 lenitive

sooty, dusky -                                                                        fuliginous

soporific -                                                                              somnifacient, somniferous, soperous, soporiferous

sorceror/shaman (Eskimo) -                                                   angekkok

sorcery -                                                                                pishogue

sore on horse’s back -                                                           sitfast

sorrowful -                                                                             tristful

soul (Egy: bird, human head) -                                                ba

sound a signal with horn -                                                       strake

sound of flatulence in the intestines -                                       borborygmus

soup, meat & veg, thick -                                                       pottage

sour -                                                                                    acetic, acetous

sour (slightly) -                                                                       acidulous

sour, sharp to taste -                                                              tart

source, from another -                                                            aliunde

source, origin -                                                                       provenance

sour-looking -                                                                        sour-loten

sour-tempered person -                                                         crab, cross-patch

southern -                                                                              austral, meridional

sow; propagate -                                                                   seminate

space full matter (opp. vacuum) -                                           plenum

spade’s depth -                                                                      graft

spade-depth -                                                                        spit

Spanish-speaking, poor district -                                            barrio

spark -                                                                                  scintilla

speak through nose -                                                              snuffle

speech, loss of -                                                                     alalia

spend one’s savings -                                                             dissave

spider, pert. to -                                                                     telarian

spiked -                                                                                 spicate

spilt, what is; excess -                                                            spilth

spin round; to tread on and make spin -                                  birl

spine/backbone -                                                                   chine

spinning round -                                                                     gyratory

spiny -                                                                                   acanthous

spiral -                                                                                   helical

spire, slender -                                                                       flèche

spirited -                                                                                sprightful

spiritedly -                                                                             con moto

spiritless, dull -                                                                       mopish

spiritless, lifeless -                                                                  exanimate

spittoon -                                                                               cuspidor

splash through mud/water -                                                    drabble

splay-footed -                                                                        splawdered, Wed-&-Thurs

splay-footed -                                                                        sprog-hocked,a dew-dasher

split, splinter, to -                                                                   spall, spalt

split, tear off lengthwise -                                                        sliver

splitting hairs -                                                                        wiredrawn

spoiled, tainted (wine) -                                                          corked

spokesman -                                                                          prolocutor

spokesman, leader -                                                               fugleman

spongy -                                                                                pumiceous

spot -                                                                                    macula

spouse -                                                                                fere

sprawl, totter -                                                                       walter

spray from crest of waves -                                                    spindrift

spread, turn, for drying -                                                        ted

spreading (bot.) -                                                                   patulous

sprinkle -                                                                               resperse

sprinkle (with moisture) -                                                        sparge

sprinkling vessel -                                                                   dredger

sprout (to); shoot up -                                                            spire

spur, small spiked wheel on -                                                 rowel

squid -                                                                                   calamary

squint-eyed -                                                                         boss-eyed

squinting -                                                                              skew-eyed

squire, page -                                                                         donzel

squirrel’s nest -                                                                      drey

squirrel-like -                                                                         sciurine, sciuroid

St. Veronica’s handkerchief -                                                 sudarium

stab/pierce (with rapier) -                                                       pink

staff of cooks in a large house -                                              bouche

staggering, stumbling -                                                            titubant

stained, impure -                                                                    maculate

stake-fence in stream catch fish -                                            kiddle

stammering -                                                                          balbutient

starch -                                                                                  amylum

stare at like gorgon -                                                              gorgonise

stare down -                                                                          outface

starfish -                                                                                asterid

staring-eyed -                                                                        wall-eyed

stars, little, set with -                                                              stellular

stars, pertaining to -                                                               sidereal

star-shaped -                                                                         stellate

starve -                                                                                  clem

state of being nowhere -                                                         nullibiety

steal, filch -                                                                            prig

steelyard (Shetland and Orkney) -                                          bismar

stemless -                                                                              acauline, acaulose

stenosis, stricture -                                                                 coarctation

stepmother, relating to -                                                         novercal

stew (pork, fish, onions &c.) -                                                chowder

stew/hash with vegetables -                                                    lobscouse

stick w. iron hook catch/land fish -                                         gaff

sticky; tenacious -                                                                  glutinous

sticky; tenacious -                                                                  viscid, viscous

stiffen, unite (bones) -                                                             anchylose

stiffness in manners -                                                              buckram

stifle, suppress -                                                                     burke

stimulant -                                                                              incitant

stimulate -                                                                              innervate

stimuli cause pain to warn danger -                                         noxa

stinging -                                                                                urculant

stinking badger (Indon.) -                                                       teledu

stoical indifference -                                                               ataraxia

stomach -                                                                              tharm

stone circle -                                                                          peristalith

stone slab/tablet (upright) -                                                     stele

stone that binds a wall together -                                            bondstone

stone to death -                                                                      lapidate

stone, resembling -                                                                 lithoid(al)

stone, wedge-shape, forms arch-                                            voussoir

stop up -                                                                                obturate

stoppage -                                                                             stasis

stoppered; corked while still fermenting -                                bouché

stop-watch -                                                                          chronograph

store for all kinds of goods -                                                   pantechnicon

storehouse, repository -                                                         repertory

store-place for wool -                                                            lanary

stormy, tempestuous -                                                            procellous

straightforward, genuine -                                                       jannock

stream -                                                                                 floss

stream flowing into river/lake -                                                affluent

street arab -                                                                           mudlark

strengthening (drug) -                                                             roborant

stretch on hooks -                                                                  tenter

stretched, that can be -                                                           tensile, tensible

strict, rigorous -                                                                     barrack square

strike (n); (vt) -                                                                      hartal; frap

strike, hit, to -                                                                        colpive

string of beads, like a -                                                           moniliform

stripper -                                                                               ecdysiast

strong German beer; a quarter-litre glass/mug -                       bock

strong Northeastly wind in the Upper Adriatic -                      bora

study by lamplight -                                                                lucubrate

stuff (fowl) -                                                                           force

stuffing (cooking) -                                                                 farcing

stupid -                                                                                  beef-brained, -witted, Boeotian, daffish, dappy, dummel, dunstical

stupid -                                                                                  kimit, staups, fat-witted, noggen, puddled,

stupid, dull -                                                                           blockish

stupid, silly -                                                                          anserine

stupid, unable to feel -                                                            insensate

stupidity -                                                                              hebetude

stupor-inducing -                                                                    stupefacient

styptic, a -                                                                             haemostatic

subject to smoke and fumes -                                                 suffumigate

submerged reef -                                                                    bombora

submit slavishly -                                                                    truckle

subservient, subsidiary -                                                         ancillary

subsidiary (relig. estab.) -                                                       succursal

substitute, serving as a -                                                         succedaneous

subterfuge; evasion -                                                              ambages

subtle (e.g. distinction)-                                                          fine-drawn

subtle, too -                                                                           fine-spun

suckers, producing -                                                              surculous, -ose

sudden change of fortune -                                                     peripetia

sudden temporary paralysis -                                                  cataplexy

suddenly, by a single action -                                                  at a blow

sue at law -                                                                            implead

suicide -                                                                                 felo de se

sulk, mope (to) -                                                                    boody, glout

sullen, shy & awkward -                                                        farouche

summer, pert. to -                                                                  (a)estival

summer, to pass in torpor -                                                    aestivate

summit, zenith -                                                                      vertex

summon to assemble -                                                            convoke

summon, cite, to -                                                                  accite

sumptuous -                                                                           dapalactic

sundial-pin -                                                                           gnomon

sung, meant to be (poem) -                                                    melic

sunshine -                                                                              queen’s weather

superb specimen of anything-                                                 Koh-i-noor

superficial knowledge -                                                          sciolism

superficial, insincere -                                                             lip-deep

superfluous -                                                                          supernumerary, supervacaneous

superfluous, inapprop. addition -                                            postiche

superior, disdainful -                                                               upstage

supernatural knowledge -                                                       cryptaesthesia

supine -                                                                                 upward

supplemental, not essential -                                                   adscititious

supplication; asking -                                                              rogation

supply money to -                                                                  imburse

suppose, express as an opinion -                                            opine

supposed, reputed -                                                               putative

sure -                                                                                     siker

surface skin -                                                                         scarfskin

surgeon’s tool to scrape bones -                                             xyster

surging -                                                                                gurgitation

surround with rampart -                                                          circumvallate

surrounding -                                                                         circumambient

survivor, surviving trace; widow -                                           relict

swaggering boaster (Jonson, Every Man in his Humour) -    Bobadil

swallow hole -                                                                       swallet

swallow up greedily -                                                             ingurgitate

swamps, growing in -                                                             uliginous, -ose

swan (male) -                                                                         cob

swarm, to  -                                                                           byke

sway, oscillate -                                                                     librate

sweat -                                                                                  sudor

sweat-causing -                                                                      sudorific

sweating -                                                                              sudatory

sweet (wine) -                                                                        amabile

sweet potato -                                                                       batata

sweeten, make gentle -                                                           dulcify

sweeten, purify (by washing) -                                                edulcorate

sweetheart -                                                                           leman

sweetmeat -                                                                           comfit

sweetmeat, perfumes breath -                                                 cachou

swell -                                                                                   tumefy, tumesce

swell up -                                                                               intumesce

swell, fill out -                                                                        plim

swell, stretch in 3-D -                                                             distend

swell, to -                                                                              boll

swelling -                                                                               turgescent

swelling in roof mouth (horse) -                                              lampas

swelling, bombastic -                                                              turgent, turgid

swelling, bulging, knobby -                                                     torous, -ose

swelling/carcinoma, hard -                                                      scirrhus

swift -                                                                                    tantivy

swimming -                                                                            natation

swindle, to -                                                                           financier

swindle, trick, to -                                                                  chouse

swinish -                                                                                porcine

swollen -                                                                                blabber, bolled, tumid

swollen, inflated -                                                                   flabberkin, tumid

swollen, obese -                                                                     hypertrophic

swollen, thickened -                                                               incrassate

swollen-bellied -                                                                    ventricose, -ous

sword (broad) -                                                                     glaive

sword, curved (Gurkha) -                                                      kukri

sword, pointless (embl. mercy) -                                            curtana

sword-shaped -                                                                     ensiform, xiphoid

syllables, fewer in Nominative -                                              imparisyllabic

synchronised volley of applause-                                            Kentish fire

synopsis -                                                                              conspectus

syphilitic -                                                                              luetic

table-companion -                                                                  commensal

tablet, round, medicinal -                                                        troche

tad, smidgeon -                                                                      scantling

tail, pert. to -                                                                          caudal

tail, short erect (hare, rabbit, deer) -                                       scut

tailless -                                                                                 anurous, ecaudate

taint, render defective -                                                          vitiate

take the bloom/freshness off -                                                 blow on

taken away -                                                                          benome

taking in (of ideas) -                                                               intussusception

tale-bearer -                                                                          pick-thank

talk boastfully & incessantly -                                                 blatter

talk incoherently (excited) -                                                    burble

talk superficially -                                                                   smatter

talk very fast -                                                                        talk a blue streak

talkative -                                                                              long-tongued

tall, very (of mast) -                                                                taunt

tallness, height -                                                                     prolicity

tame -                                                                                    cade

tame (to) -                                                                             cicurate

tamper with horse (e.g. teeth) -                                               bishop

tandem, with 3 horses in -                                                      randem

tantrum, hysterical fit -                                                            conniption

tapering -                                                                               fastigiate

tapering at both ends -                                                           fusiform

tapestry stitch, zigzag pattern -                                                bargello

task -                                                                                     pensum

task, day’s work -                                                                 darg

taste (producing) -                                                                 sapor(ific)

taste, to; to relish -                                                                 degust(ate)

tasteless, showy -                                                                   tawdry

tasting -                                                                                 gustation

tawny, dull yellow -                                                                fulvous

tax, duty, tribute -                                                                  impost

tea (fine black) -                                                                    souchong

tea (lowest quality of) -                                                          bohea

teacher’s pointer -                                                                  fescue

tear to bits -                                                                           mammock

tear with the teeth -                                                                worry

tear, lacerate -                                                                       lancinate

tearing asunder -                                                                    avulsion

tearing, adapted for -                                                             laniary

teddy-bears, collector of -                                                      arctophile

tedious, long discourse -                                                         screed

temper (to) -                                                                          anneal

temple -                                                                                 fane

temple’s most sacred part -                                                    adytum

temporary bed -                                                                     shakedown

temporary, mutable; moving -                                                 ambulatory

tender -                                                                                 intenerate

tender, hold out for acceptance -                                            porrect

tense, condensed lang. -                                                         brachiology

tent; body as abode of soul -                                                  tabernacle

tenure, an ancient (to hold in..) -                                             burgage

tepid -                                                                                   lew

tepid, to make -                                                                     tepefy

terrestrial -                                                                             subastral, tellural, telluric, tellurian

test by weight and assay, to (coin) -                                        pyx

test money for base coin -                                                      shroff

testify -                                                                                  depone

testing; affording proof -                                                         probative

thatched hut -                                                                         banda

theatre, low-class -                                                                penny gaff

thicket -                                                                                 bosk, bosket, brake, shrog

thicket, small wood -                                                              shaw

thick-lipped -                                                                         labrose

thick-skinned -                                                                       pachydermatous

thin -                                                                                      defatted

thin as paper -                                                                        papyraceous

thing of little/no value -                                                           doit

think out laboriously -                                                             excogitate

thinking, laborious -                                                                excogitation

thinking-place -                                                                      phrontistery

thorny -                                                                                 spinose, spinous

thoroughly -                                                                           root & branch

thrash -                                                                                  larrup

thrash soundly -                                                                     bethwack

threaten (with divine veng)-                                                    comminate

threatening -                                                                           minacious

threatening -                                                                           minatory

three, division into (bd,sl,spr)-                                                trichotomy

three-cornered -                                                                    triquetrous

threefold -                                                                              ternate

thriving in rubbish/waste -                                                       ruderal

throat, gullet -                                                                        red lane

throat, windpipe -                                                                  weasand

throttle -                                                                                scrag

through and through -                                                             to the backbone

throw (dart) -                                                                         jaculate

throw (to) -                                                                            cob, hain, hocks, hoy,

throw (to) -                                                                            swail, whang, yack, yark

throw off in foam/scum -                                                        despumate

throw open enclosed ground -                                                dispark

throw out fresh shoots -                                                         flush

throw sticks (at birds/fruit) -                                                   squail

throw, to -                                                                             jaculate

throwing; (a dart) -                                                                 jactation; jaculation

thrush -                                                                                  mavis, missel, throstle

thrust -                                                                                   foin, thrang

thug -                                                                                     phansigar

thunder, issue with threats -                                                    fulminate

thundering on high -                                                                altitonant

ticklish, difficult to manage -                                                   kittle

tidal bore -                                                                             eagre

tide of smallest range -                                                           neap

tie up -                                                                                   ligate

tiger-cat, spotted (S. Amer) -                                                 margay

tiger-shooting, platform in tree -                                              machan

tighten & slacken -                                                                 veer and haul

timber-tree, heavy -                                                               bilian

time-server -                                                                          trimmer

timid, shy -                                                                             pavid

tin-bearing -                                                                           stanniferous

tinkling sound of bells -                                                           tintinnabulation

tin-mine -                                                                               wheal

tip -                                                                                       pourboire

tippling -                                                                                bibation

tipsy, dazed -                                                                         muzzy

tired out -                                                                              forspent, forwearied, forworn

tit for tat -                                                                              a Roland for an Oliver

titbit -                                                                                    bonne-bouche

to be agreeable/favourable to one -                                        suit one’s book

toil -                                                                                      swink

toil (to) -                                                                                moil, swink

told privately in the ear -                                                         auricular

tongue -                                                                                 unruly member

tongue, of underside of -                                                        ranine

tongue, pert. to -                                                                    glossal, lingual

tongue-shaped -                                                                     linguiform, lingulate

tool, engraving on copper -                                                    burin

toothless -                                                                              edentate

top/branches, having lost the -                                                doddered

torch, iron basket -                                                                cresset

tortuous; circumlocutory -                                                      ambagious

torture -                                                                                 excruciate

totter, to -                                                                              daddle

touch, pertaining to -                                                              tactile

touching, adjoining -                                                               contiguous

tourist/person gaping -                                                            rubberneck

tournament (Sumo) -                                                              basho

towel (endless) on roller -                                                       jack-towel

track, deer, footprints -                                                          slot

tragic hero’s fateful fault -                                                       hamartia

trail through mud -                                                                  daggle

traitor -                                                                                  proditor

traitor (early Christian) -                                                         traditor

tranquility -                                                                            ataraxy, -xia

transfer (n. – a picture) -                                                        decalcomania

transfer to another, to -                                                          attorn

transgression -                                                                       delict

transient -                                                                              written in water

transmitting light -                                                                   luminiferous

transmute into sth. higher -                                                      sublimate

transparent -                                                                          diaphanous, pellucid

transparent blister of the cuticle -                                            bleb

transverse, binding stone: wall -                                              bandstone

travel about -                                                                         peregrinate

travel from place to place -                                                     itinerate

treacherous -                                                                         proditorious

treason -                                                                                lese-majestie

treat ores, remove impurities-                                                 beneficiate

treatise, comprehensive -                                                        pandect

tree, wood for Noah’s ark -                                                   gopher

tree-like -                                                                              arborescent

tree-shaped -                                                                         dendroid

tremble (to) -                                                                         bever, dindle

tremendous (blow, lie) -                                                         swingeing


triangular -                                                                             deltoid

tributary stream -                                                                   influent

tricky, treacherous (of things) -                                               trappy

trifle -                                                                                    falderal, fribble

trifle (to) -                                                                              fribble, palter

trifle, potter -                                                                         footle

trifles -                                                                                   nugae

trifles, useless; cast-off clothes -                                             frippery

trifling ornament -                                                                   fallal

trifling thing/amount -                                                              birdseed

trill (grasshopper) -                                                                chirr

trill (nightjar) -                                                                        churr

triptych, wing of -                                                                   volet

trivial matters -                                                                       small beer

tropical fever -                                                                       kala-azar

tropical forest twining plant -                                                  liana

troublesome -                                                                        noyous

true meaning (fixed by law) -                                                  intendment

trust (to) -                                                                              affy

truth drug -                                                                            hyoscine, scopolamine

truth/possibility, related to -                                                    alethic

truthful -                                                                                 veracious

tuft/hillock of grass -                                                               tussock

turf house in Northern Scotland -                                            black house

Turkish palace guard -                                                           bostangi

turn hand palm upward -                                                        supinate

turn inside out -                                                                      evert

turn round with effort -                                                           slew

turn up unexpectedly -                                                            blow in

turned back to back (her) -                                                    addorsed

turned outwards (antlers) -                                                     extrorse

turned up (nose) -                                                                  retroussé

turned up/forward -                                                                antrorse

twig, willow, to bind bundles -                                                with

twiggy, rodlike; old land measure-                                          virgate

twigs/shoots, of, producing -                                                  viminal

twilight -                                                                                shutting, gloaming

twilight (adj.) -                                                                       crepuscular

twin -                                                                                     didymous

twist about -                                                                          wigwag

twisted -                                                                                tortive; crankled

twisted inwards (thoughts) -                                                   retorqued

twisted; coiled -                                                                     tortile

twists & turns, full of -                                                            crinkum-crankum

twitch (to) -                                                                           vellicate

twitch, to -                                                                             vellicate

two months, lasting -                                                              bimestrial

two places at once, being in -                                                 bilocation

two-forked -                                                                          bifurcate

two-handed -                                                                         bimanal, bimanous

ugliness (B) -                                                                         evil-favouredness

Ukraine 12-stringed instrument -                                            bandura

ulcered, tuberculosed -                                                           lupoid, lupous

ulcerous -                                                                              chancrous

umbilical cord -                                                                      navel-string

unadulterated, pure -                                                              meracious

uncertain, accidental -                                                            contingent

uncouth fellow -                                                                     galoot

undecided state -                                                                   pendency

underburnt (brick, tile) -                                                         samel

underground -                                                                        hypogeal, -gean

underling -                                                                             understrapper

underlying -                                                                            subjacent

undermine (to), be troublesome -                                            fossick

underrate -                                                                             disprize

understanding, action of -                                                       intellection

undervalue, slight -                                                                 misprise

underworld spirits, pert. to -                                                   chthonic

unemotional -                                                                         cold-livered

unemployed -                                                                         trade-fallen

uneven in outline -                                                                  nook-shotten

unfair, unjust -                                                                        inequitable

unhappiness, producing -                                                        infelicific

uniform colour, of -                                                                concolorous/-ate

unimaginable -                                                                        incogitable

uninspired, routine (music)-                                                    kapellmeister

uninvited guest, to obtrude o.s. as -                                        sorn

unique thing -                                                                         nonesuch

unisexual -                                                                             dioecious

unite closely -                                                                         inosculate

unite, combine -                                                                     coadunate

unite, serving to -                                                                   conjunctive

unite/grow together -                                                              conglutinate

united -                                                                                  conjoint

united (efforts) -                                                                     conjoint

uniting -                                                                                 copulative

universal (disease) -                                                               pandemic

University tutor (below prof.) -                                               docent

unjust -                                                                                  wrongous

unknown cause, of -                                                               idiopathic

unloading, to begin -                                                               break bulk

unmarried/widowed (woman) -                                              discovert

unnamed -                                                                             innominate

unpaid labour by vassal -                                                        corvée

unpardonable -                                                                      irremissible

unreal; gaseous -                                                                    aeriform

unrepentant -                                                                         unregenerate

unruly, boisterous -                                                                rampacious

unsmiling, expressionless -                                                      boot-faced

unsound (financial scheme) -                                                   wild-cat

unstable -                                                                               labile

unsubstantial/light, to make -                                                   volatilise

unsuitable, out of place -                                                        malapropos

untidy, tawdry -                                                                     tashed

unwelcome, to be -                                                                to come amiss

unworthy -                                                                             indign

upper lip -                                                                              Cupid’s bow

uproar, excessive noise -                                                        shindy

uproot -                                                                                 deracinate

upside down by twisting -                                                       resupinate

upstart -                                                                                 parvenu

upward-moving -                                                                   anabatic

upwards, moving -                                                                 ascensive

urge (to) -                                                                              conjour

urinate -                                                                                 stale

urine, passing of -                                                                   emiction; micturition

urine-drops, painful passage of-                                              strangury

use word before applicable -                                                  prolepsis

useless -                                                                                inutile

useless (profitless) -                                                               bootless

utter indistinctly -                                                                    bummle

vacillate, to -                                                                          back and fill (Naut.)

vagrant -                                                                                gangrel; sundowner

vagrants’ secret jargon -                                                         shelta

valedictory -                                                                          apopemptic

valley (broad) -                                                                      strath

valley, small -                                                                         dean

value with a view to sale, to -                                                 appraise

valueless, flimsy, strawlike -                                                    stramineous

vanish, fade away -                                                                evanesce

Varangian guard, head of -                                                     acolouthos

variable, inconstant -                                                              protean

varieties (of all) -                                                                    omnifarious

variety of pear -                                                                     blanquet

varnish, make black & glossy -                                               japan

vaulted ceiling, compartment of -                                            severy

vein in upper arm, large -                                                        basilic vein

veins, arrangement of -                                                           venation

velvet; velvety -                                                                      velure; velutinous

vengeance -                                                                           ultion, wrake

vent, passage -                                                                       spiracle

ventriloquist -                                                                         engastrimyth

verbosity -                                                                             verbiage

vertical, not -                                                                         out of plumb

very dear -                                                                             au poids de l’or

vessel bales out & carries water-                                            spoucher

vessel, long neck, keep water cool-                                        goglet

vicious character -                                                                  rakehell

victory -                                                                                 gree

vigour, regaining -                                                                  reviviscent

vigour, strength -                                                                    bant

vigour-restoring -                                                                   analeptic

vile -                                                                                      facinorous

village -                                                                                  clachan

village, big -                                                                           borghetto

villein of the lowest rank -                                                       bordar

vindication -                                                                           compurgation

vine-like -                                                                              ampelo-, ampeli-

vineyard, vine greenhouse -                                                    vinery

violation, breach -                                                                  infraction

violent gust of wind -                                                              blore

violent retching -                                                                    vomiturition

violin (superior kind) -                                                            cremona

viral disease of pigs -                                                              blue ear disease

viral disease of sheep and cattle -                                           blue tongue

virgin birth -                                                                           parthenogenesis

visceral, intestinal -                                                                 splanchnic

viscous -                                                                                slab

viscous, transparent substance -                                             glair

visible to naked eye -                                                             macroscopic

visible, become -                                                                    heave in sight

vivacity -                                                                                brio

voice, loss of -                                                                       aphonia, aphony

voice; occasion -                                                                    steven

voiceless -                                                                             aphonous

voluminous writing -                                                               polygraphy

voluptuous, sensuous -                                                           Lydian

vomiting -                                                                              anacatharsis

voracious reader -                                                                  bibliophagist

vulgar, approp. to artisan -                                                     banausic

vulture, bearded -                                                                  lammergeyer

vulture, South African -                                                          aasvogel

Waldensian teacher -                                                             barbe

walk idly -                                                                             dander

walk on foot; rob on foot -                                                     pad

walk round about -                                                                circumambulate

walk springily, jerkily -                                                           tittup

walk with unsteady gait -                                                        shamble

walk, to -                                                                               ambulate

walk, trudge, to -                                                                   pad the hoof

walking -                                                                               ambulant; deambulation

walking on soles -                                                                  plantigrade

walking on toes -                                                                   digitigrade

walking, adapted for -                                                            gressorial

wall to support bank -                                                            retaining wall

wall, pert. to -                                                                        parietal

wall, retaining -                                                                      revetment

wall-picture, Japanese -                                                         kakemono

wander about; digress -                                                          divagate

wander aimlessly -                                                                 obambulate

wander away; exceed bounds-                                               extravagate

wander from the right way, to-                                               aberrate

wandering minstrel -                                                               jongleur

want of knowledge -                                                              nescience

war, extermination -                                                               bellum internecinum

ward off by prayer -                                                               deprecate

ward off, to -                                                                         averruncate

warm, growing -                                                                    incalescent

warm, making -                                                                      calefacient, calorifacient

warm-blooded -                                                                    endothermic

warmed-up dish -                                                                  rechauffé

warming -                                                                              calefactory

warrior -                                                                                kemp

warship, fast, flush-decked -                                                  corvette

washing out -                                                                         lavage, lavement

wasps, of -                                                                            vespine

waste away by fasting -                                                          macerate

waste, spill, lose carelessly -                                                   slatter

waste; reabsorbed secretion-                                                 recrement

wasted by disease -                                                               tabid

wasting away -                                                                       contabescent, tabetic

wasting away of body -                                                          marasmus

wasting disease, esp. tb -                                                       phthisis

watchglass-shaped -                                                              meniscoid

water channel, narrow -                                                         sluit

water, surrounded by -                                                           circumfluous

watercolour painting -                                                            aquarelle

watercourse (small, deepish) -                                                spruit

watered (silk), clouded (metals) -                                           moiré

waterfall -                                                                              linn

water-lily -                                                                             nenuphar

water-parsnip -                                                                      skirret

watery vesicles, with -                                                            pemphigous, -goid

watery, thin, whey-like -                                                         serous

wave hair (artificially) -                                                           marcel

wave, great (10th) -                                                                decuman

waved, marked with wavy lines -                                            gyrose

wavy (as a leaf) -                                                                   undated, undose

wavy, serpentine, undulating -                                                 sinuous

wavy, slightly -                                                                       repand

wavy-edged, (winding)-                                                         crispate, (sinuate)

wax candle -                                                                          bougie

wax, of or like -                                                                     ceraceous

wayfarer -                                                                              piepowder

weak, powerless -                                                                 debile, impuissant

weakness of will -                                                                  acrasia (adj. acratic)

wearied (with waking) -                                                         forwaked

wearing away -                                                                      detrition

weary with fighting -                                                               forfoughten

weaving, pert. to -                                                                  textorial

web-footed -                                                                         palmiped

wedge, fasten -                                                                      chock

weekly -                                                                                hebdomadal

weep -                                                                                   pipe one’s eyes

weeping & wailing -                                                               comploration

weigh by hand -                                                                     heft

weighing coal/grain -                                                              metage

weight of vessel/container/wrapping-                                      tare

well groomed -                                                                      soigné

well, stone lining of -                                                              steening

well, wall round top of -                                                         puteal

well-known; conspicuous -                                                     kenspeckle

well-merited -                                                                        condign

wet places, inhabiting -                                                           paludose

whack -                                                                                 whang

whale, white -                                                                        beluga

whales etc, pert. to -                                                              cetacean

wharf -                                                                                  staith

wheel (of pulley) -                                                                  sheave

wheel of life -                                                                         zoetrope

wheel-shaped -                                                                      rotate, trochal

whimper, whine -                                                                   pule

whip of dried hide; to flog… -                                                sjambok

whip, a hide -                                                                         kourbash

whirling -                                                                               vortical

whisky with a beer-chaser -                                                   boiler-maker

whispering, rustling -                                                              susurrous

whistling, hissing sound -                                                        siffle

white -                                                                                   leucous

white and black -                                                                   piebald

white and not black -                                                             skewbald

white of egg/eye, like -                                                           albugineous

white stripe down face, with -                                                 bausond

white, growing -                                                                     albescent

whiteness -                                                                            albescence

whitlow -                                                                               ancome

wicked -                                                                                derf, nefandous, scelerate, -rous

wickedness -                                                                         litherness

wide-hipped -                                                                        broad in the beam

wife -                                                                                     helpmate

wig with the ends turned up into short curls -                           bobwig

wild, untamed -                                                                      feral

wildly enthusiastic -                                                                dithyrambic

William pear -                                                                        bon chrétien

will-o’-the-wisp -                                                                   fen-fire, friar’s lantern

win all the tricks (in piquet) -                                                  capot

win all tricks in one deal -                                                       vole

wind instrum, Anc. Greek -                                                    aulos

winding, circuitous -                                                               meandrine

winding, tortuous -                                                                 anfractuous

windings, turnings, full of -                                                      flexuous

window-frame -                                                                     casement

windswept ridges of snow -                                                    sastrugi

wine, new, to revive dead wine -                                            stum

wine, to make -                                                                      vint

wine-coloured -                                                                     vinaceous

winged -                                                                                alate, aliferous, aligerous

winged; feathered -                                                                pennate

wingless -                                                                              apterous

wink (to) -                                                                             nict(it)ate, palpebrate

wink at, to -                                                                           connive

winter, requiring shelter in -                                                    half-hardy

wintry (foggy)-                                                                       brumal, hiemal (brumous)

wipe out (debt) -                                                                    amortise

wiping/rubbing out -                                                               extersion

wire-rattle (rites Isis) -                                                            sistrum

wish-bone -                                                                           merry-thought

witch -                                                                                   besom-rider

with all due respect to… -                                                      pace

with difficulty -                                                                       uneath

with parts not in contact -                                                       discontiguous

with sloping shoulders, like a bottle of champagne -                bottle-shouldered

withdraw (from a society) -                                                    secede

withering but not falling -                                                        marcescent

without -                                                                                innocent of

without equal -                                                                       nonpareil

wolf down; move awkwardly -                                               slummock

womanhood -                                                                        muliebrity

woman-worship -                                                                  gyneolatry

womb, mother (Law) -                                                           venter

women -                                                                                distaff side, spindle side

wonderful -                                                                            mirable

wondrous, strange -                                                               selcouth

wood, feeding on -                                                                 xylophagous

wood, grove -                                                                        holt, hurst

wood, growing on -                                                               lignicolous

wood, of -                                                                             xyloid

wooded -                                                                              arboreous, arboraceous

wooded, bushy; shady -                                                         bosky

wooden flooring -                                                                  parquet

wooden stand for cask -                                                        brandreth

woodland; thick foliage -                                                        boscage

woodpecker, green -                                                             yaffle

woodpigeon -                                                                        cushat

wood-sorrel, East Indian -                                                     bilimbi

woolgathering -                                                                      moonraking

woolly, (flaky) -                                                                     lanate(d), (flocculent)

woolly-haired -                                                                      ulotrichous

word -                                                                                   vocable

word of God -                                                                       the sword of the spirit

word origin. copyist’s error -                                                  ghost-word

work very hard -                                                                    blaze away

workers’ rule -                                                                       ergatocracy

working at a distance -                                                           telergic

working, not -                                                                        out of blast

wormlike -                                                                             vermian

worm-like (motion) -                                                              vermicular, -lated

worms, being eaten by -                                                         vermiculation

worm-shaped -                                                                      helminthic, helminthoid

worn by friction -                                                                   attrited

worn out (with walking) -                                                       forraked

worthless, trifling -                                                                  nugatory

wreath -                                                                                 crant, lei

wreckage on sea-bed -                                                          lagan, ligan

wrenched -                                                                            wrast

wrinkle -                                                                                rivel

wrinkled -                                                                              rivelled, rugose, writhled

wrinkle-free -                                                                         exporrect

wrist, pert. to -                                                                       carpal

write (begging letter) -                                                            screeve

write, unable to -                                                                    agraphic

writer, poor, poorly paid -                                                      penny-a-liner

writhing involuntarily-                                                             athetoid, -osic/otic

writing, given to -                                                                   scribacious

writing-table/desk, small, French, 18th C. -                             bonheur-du-jour

wrongful -                                                                              tortious

wrongful dispossession -                                                        disseizin

wryneck -                                                                              torticolllis

x-ray photograph -                                                                 skiagram, -graph

yard/paddock/croft/garden -                                                  garth

yawn, to -                                                                              oscitate

yawning fit -                                                                           the gapes

yearning for unattainable -                                                      nympholepsy

yell, bawl -                                                                             yowl

yellow (turning) -                                                                    flavescent

yellow, (light yellow) -                                                            xanthous, buff

yellow-brown, (pale) -                                                           filmote, (écru)

yielding -                                                                                lither

yoked, not -                                                                           azygous

young again, to grow -                                                           rejuvenesce

youth -                                                                                   hobbledehoy, springald

youth (from infancy to…) -                                                     juvenescence

zealous puritan -                                                                     hot gospeller

zodiac, group 3 signs of (w/e/a/f) -                                         trigon



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