German Short Stories of the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries

Authors A-G


Eufemia von Adlersfeld-Ballestrem (1854-1941)

Dr. Dorothea Schlözel


Helene Aeckerle (1875-1940)

A Sacrifice


Ludwig Anzengruber (1839-1889)

What a Shame


Rudolf Hans Bartsch (1873-1952)

The Styrian Wine Carter


Adolph Bayersdorfer (1842-1901)

The Conscriptable Aunt


Jakob Bosshart (1862-1924)

Of Gold


Carl Busse (1872-1918)

The Sacrifice


Jakob Julius David (1859-1906)

The Last One / Quiet Margaret / Jubilee


Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916)

The Barons of Gemperlein / Krambambuli / The Muff / Countess Muschi


Emil Ertl (1860-1935)

Keys to Heaven / The Greatest Sorrow / Rübezahl / The Heart of Iron / Dippy-Dim and Eyesf-Delight / The Switch-Father


Heinrich Federer (1866-1928)

The Manoeuvre


Jakob Frey (1824-1875)

The Alpine Forest


Friedrich Gerstäcker (1816-1872)

Germelshausen / The Singular Duel / As You to Me, So I to You


O. Glaubrecht [Rudolf Oeser] (1807-1859)

Tales from the Land of Hesse (selected)


Rudolf Greinz (1866-1942)

The Fifth Wheel on the Cart


Balduin Groller (1848-1916)

The Tender Friends / The Panic